Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Are the Monarchies Relevant in a Modern World?

In an era of unlimited media exposure, royal families from Europe and other parts of the world never fail to provide fuel for explosive scandals. And during times of global distress, the dramas of the monarchies provide the perfect escape

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Stay-at-Home (grownup) Children

  According to Pew Research Center, “A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression.” In the 1960s, only 29 percent of young adults lived with their parents. Over

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The Way the Pandemic Has Strengthened Religious Beliefs

When one cannot come to terms with a somber reality, looking towards heaven is an instinctive reaction. In the US, half a million lives have been lost in the COVID-19 pandemic in a year since the outbreak of the virus.

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Posted in America, Articles, Coronavirus, Integral Education, Jewish, Nature, News, Social Mutual Responsibility

The Grand Illusion of The Great Reset

About a week ago, the World Economic Forum gathered in what is known as the Davos convention, although this year it was online. This year’s theme was The Great Reset, a grand plan to save the world, or as the

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Israel’s Future Does Not Depend on America

Israel had a unique period of concessions with the Trump administration. The direction and policies regarding the Middle East of the new US administration remain to be seen. What we know for certain is that the destiny of the Israeli

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Is Democracy a Figment of Our Imagination?

Democracy, we know, comes from Greek and it means “the rule of the people.” The current power struggle in America shows one thing very clearly: There is no rule of the people in America. That is, there may have been

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Setting Goals in a Rapidly Changing Reality

The world is changing at an ever increasing rate. This is a fact. But the direction in which humanity is evolving is a constant one. Many dilemmas afflict people today. A new mutation of the coronavirus suddenly arrives with new

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Virus Will Attack Until We Realize Cause is Human Ego – NEWSMAX

Nature has a great sense of humor: Just as humanity started rolling out the vaccines, it churned up two new strains of the coronavirus, one probably in the U.K. and one in South Africa. Both strains are fast spreaders and

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Coronavirus, Nature, News, Social Mutual Responsibility

What to Expect for the New Year 2021 – NEWSMAX

We are about to finish an atypical year, and humanity wonders what lies in store for the next. 2021 will be a year in which we will all feel, understand, and accept the fact that the purpose of our experience

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Hanukkah Offers Timely Reminder of Need for Unity – NEWSMAX

On Hanukkah, which begins tonight, Jews celebrate their victory over the Seleucid Empire, which attempted to entrench the Hellenistic culture and belief system among the Jews in the land of Israel. This is the going narrative. However, this epos is

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So Much to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving- NEWSMAX

Thanksgiving is a celebration awaited by Americans the whole year. Extended family and friends put aside work, and travel long distances to reunite for a day of feasting, sitting around the holiday table, sharing memories, and giving thanks. But this

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The Pandemic Antisemites Call Israel – NEWSMAX

People react to what hurts them the most and antisemites are no exception. A global response to the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to wreak havoc with more than 50 million cases worldwide, apparently is not the priority for the U.N.’s

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