Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Is the Definition of a Correction in Kabbalah?

In Kabbalah, a correction is a change of the intention—from an intention to receive to an intention to give—upon the desire to enjoy, which is our nature. We undergo such a correction, the setting up of the intention to give or

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Baal HaSulam’s Warning to the Jews: As Relevant Today as in 1933

Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, nicknamed “Baal HaSulam” (the “Master of the Ladder”) for his monumental multi-volume “Sulam” (“Ladder”) commentary on The Book of Zohar, is widely renowned as the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century. Other than The Zohar commentary, he invested immensely in

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The Needed Change in Human Relations

We are standing before a great change in the world, and by “world” I mean human relations. Nothing matters more than the connections between people, and they need to change. We cannot change stones or trees or animals or the

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How Can You Get Rid of Your Ego Practically?

In order to first have a desire to get rid of our ego, which by definition is an intention for self-benefit at the expense of others and nature, we need to understand the evil it brings us, that it is

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What Do You Do if You Hate the World So Deeply?

I received a similar question on my Facebook page from Dina: “What should I do with my hatred for this world? Many people feel this way today. People hate this world! They hate it! And many even ask: ‘Why was

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Was All of Humanity Ever In Spiritual Attainment?

No. Abraham’s group, which had left Babylon, was in spiritual attainment for a brief period. When they exited Egypt, they rose to a new level, and then during the First Temple’s construction, they rose even higher in spiritual attainment. When

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The Allegory of the Hotel Owners Who Tried Stealing from a Wealthy Merchant

There is an allegory about a husband and a wife who ran a hotel for ordinary folk, and who tried to steal from a wealthy merchant who took a room at their hotel for the night. The wife saw the

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Will Israel Still be Able to Celebrate its Independence Day in the Future?

As we can see, Israel is surrounded by several groups that dream of the day that it will no longer exist, and there are constant efforts to delegitimize the existence of this country around the world, so the question about

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What Would it Take for Israel and Iran to Make Peace?

In the future, Israel and Iran will develop close ties. They will come together with a peace agreement. It might look like it needs a miracle, but I see it happening. Iranians themselves do not like war. They are not

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Why Can’t the People of Israel Unite?

After the 7th of October, there is a clear understanding among vast sectors of the Israeli public that unity is critical. A lot of people in Israel make great efforts in order to unite the nation, but we see that

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What Is Kabbalah Based On?

Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), in his article, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” defines Kabbalah as “a wisdom [that is] no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and

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How Can We Use Kabbalah?

The “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot” by Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) writes how the wisdom of Kabbalah can either be a potion of life or a potion of death. It can be explained similarly to the

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