Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Playing Russian Roulette with Our Kid’s Heads at Gunpoint

For all our efforts to deny its severity, Covid-19 is not a joke. It’s a serious illness and the more we ignore it, the more serious it becomes. If at first we thought that it affected only elderly and unwell

Ignoring COVIS is Playing Russian Roulette with Our Kids’ Health- Newsmax

For all our efforts to deny its severity, COVID-19 is not a joke. It’s a serious illness and the more we ignore it, the more serious it becomes. If at first we thought that it affected only elderly and unwell

On Beautiful Women and the November Shopping Fest

November has become the month of online shopping. This year, for example, you have the Singles’ Day, Veterans Day (targeting Americans), and Remembrance Day (targeting Canadians, Australians, and British), all on November 11. Three days later, on November 14, you

The Disunited State of America Today – BIZCATALYST

America’s bitter political divide is taking a toll on personal relations. While one half of the nation exuberantly celebrates, the other half is depressed and frustrated over questions of fraud in the electoral process. Rifts over the nation’s leadership, direction, and

Thanksgiving- A Chance to Make a Bad Year Good

A caricature on one of the big newspapers recently showed a group of people huddling behind a corner and using a long stick to timidly open a door with a sign that says 2021 on it. Like all good humor,

The Tie between Work and Pay is Crumbling

Among various economists, there is a growing conviction that we are nearing the end of capitalism. Personally, I think it’s too soon to proclaim the end of capitalism, but what we are seeing is a growing disconnect between work and

Commemorating the International Men’s Day – Has Manhood Become Obsolete?

In the past, men were the breadwinners, and often the sole providers. In the twentieth century, and particularly after World War II, things began to change, and today there is much more equality between men and women, at least as

Commemorating the International Men’s Day – Has Manhood Become Obsolete? – BIZCATALYST

In the past, men were the breadwinners, and often the sole providers. In the twentieth century, and particularly after World War II, things began to change, and today there is much more equality between men and women, at least as far

So Much to Be Thankful for this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a celebration awaited by Americans the whole year. Extended family and friends put aside work and travel long distances to reunite for a day of feasting, sitting around the holiday table, sharing memories, and giving thanks. But this

So Much to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving – BIZCATALYST

Thanksgiving is a celebration awaited by Americans the whole year. Extended family and friends put aside work and travel long distances to reunite for a day of feasting, sitting around the holiday table, sharing memories, and giving thanks. But this year

Why Americans’ Lives Are Shortening, Contrary to the Rest of the World

The Oxford University based website Our World in Data for provision of reliable statistics recently published some disturbing figures about America. In virtually every country in the world, life expectancy is growing. The one notable exception is the United States.

So Much to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving- NEWSMAX

Thanksgiving is a celebration awaited by Americans the whole year. Extended family and friends put aside work, and travel long distances to reunite for a day of feasting, sitting around the holiday table, sharing memories, and giving thanks. But this