Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How did the COVID-19 virus appear?

There is a deeper reason for the appearance of the COVID-19 virus than the theories currently on offer. Whether it emerged from bats, pangolins, or whether it was lab-produced, essentially any of these or other stated reasons for the revelations

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A New World Emerging

We are about to live in a new world, a very different world from the one we’ve known. We will change many of our engagements. We will come to like staying more at home and do our business over the

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All of Us or None of Us At All

COVID-19 is not just another blow. It is the first time in history that a crisis simultaneously strikes the whole world: every country, continent, and island. The virus has tied all of us together with an invisible thread, all the

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The EU Is Dying, and It Should

The European Union was born in sin and will die in agony. It was forged in order to give Europe a competitive edge against the US and the strengthening China and Russia. It focused almost exclusively on creating a common

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Ma Nishtana? A Passover Unlike Any Other

The Passover holiday this year is expected to be the most unique in modern history. For the first time, the Jewish people, regardless of their location, will celebrate not only around the table but inside the Web. It is a special occurrence

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Coronavirus and Emergency Economy

At the moment, governments are trying to inject businesses and businesspeople with financial oxygen until the pandemic passes. But it won’t pass so quickly. In my estimate, we’re looking at 12-18 months before it fades away. But more importantly, when

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Social Distancing: a Call For a Deeper Level of Connection

We are in the midst of a very unique time. Humans are social animals, but in the COVID-19 era, the difference between being healthy or sick could be determined by our physical proximity to others. Thus, social distancing is encouraged

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The Mask War

CBS46 reporters Tim Lister, Sebastian Shukla, and Fanny Bobille wrote that there is “A new kind of global war as countries battle it out for masks and PPE (personal protective equipment).” “The U.S. diverted 200,000 respirator masks destined for Berlin”;

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Corona Mutual Responsibility

The coronavirus imposes on us social behaviors we aren’t used to and don’t welcome; it imposes mutual responsibility. In fact, the virus initiated a new phase in our development, and every new phase is better and more evolved than its

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Coronavirus Kindness

First, Coronavirus taught us how beautiful nature can be when we are forced out of it, as images from around the world showed animals strolling in places that were once filled with only one species – humans. Next, Nature Magazine writes that

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Coronavirus Society

World leaders naturally want to restore the kind of civilization we’d had prior to Coronavirus since they were the ones on top. They had power, control, and wealth, so of course they want to restore it. But COVID-19 changed the

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A Virus as a Crown in the Kingdom of Anti-Semites

Besides COVID-19, there is another kind of ruthless contagion around the planet: anti-Semitism. Conspiracy theories and blood libels against Jews are the new, and yet old, epidemic as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. The fact that Israel is working

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