Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Who Is An Actual Scientist?

“To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.” – Isaac Newton This is a normal phenomenon precisely because Newton explored and felt the world, so he considered himself a

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What does it mean to be grateful for your suffering?

I received the following message from Andrey, a follower on social media: “There is a certain formula: We will never receive what we want until we are grateful for what we have. How do we give thanks for troubles, pain

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Why do some forces make us deviate from the purpose of life while others lead us there?

Whether there are forces that make us deviate or lead us to the purpose of life, we need to understand that they are all manifestations of the single upper force, called “the Creator” or “Nature,” which ultimately guides us all

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How do I not get offended?

A student asked: “Teacher, how can I learn to forgive?” The teacher replied: “Learn not to be offended.” Indeed, we need to understand people and agree with them in advance that offending others and being offended is a pure product

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Water Wearing Away Stone: A Metaphor for the Persistent Pursuit of Unity

I received a complaint by Amir on social media, who wrote the following: “The more you call for unity and good relations, the worse it gets. And yet, you continue and continue. Don’t you see that nothing is working?” I

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How will the Messiah be known?

Messiah, “Moshiach” in Hebrew, comes from the same linguistic root as the word for “pulling” (“Moshech”), as it is a force that can pull us out of our inborn self-aimed desires, elevating us to a level where we can understand

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How can one justify being happy when there is so much suffering in the world?

We should strive to discover and understand the meaning of life, to see that life’s meaning is for life itself to reveal to us: what it is for, and to which destination it leads and pulls us. Our lives, as

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Building Bridges of Peace: A Call for Unity in Israel

It is a great rule in the Torah that “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (“Veahavta Lereacha Kamocha”). It is significant that this command is written in the singular, “Veahavta” and not plural “Veahavtem” as it emphasizes the need

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Peace

How can I get rid of my feeling of guilt?

I received the following question from Alina, who is following on social media: “I was raised by my parents in such a way that I was always to be blamed for everything. I absorbed it like a sponge, and it

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Knowledge vs. Wisdom: Unraveling the Secrets of the Book of Life

A sage once said, “A person must acquire both knowledge and wisdom.” When he was asked about the difference, he replied: “Knowledge is achieved by reading books, and wisdom is achieved by reading the book that you yourself are.” What

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Escaping the News Vortex: Embracing Positivity in Turbulent Times

I received the following question from a follower on social media living in Israel, Shulya, who asked in relation to the effect of news during war times: “I live in Israel, and like all Israelis, my life was filled with

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Beyond Horses and Wagons: The Evolution of Play in Adulthood

Playing is a natural part of our development that we can exercise in order to attain the reality of what we imagine while we play. When we are kids, we can take a rope, place it over another kid’s shoulder,

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