Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Escaping the News Vortex: Embracing Positivity in Turbulent Times

I received the following question from a follower on social media living in Israel, Shulya, who asked in relation to the effect of news during war times:

“I live in Israel, and like all Israelis, my life was filled with the news. I listened to the news in the car, at home, at work, and talked about it. Suddenly, on October 7, this horror happened and we all received a great shock. I can’t listen to the news anymore! I listen to it and I get stressed. Commentators, different opinions, tragic stories, criticism… I started to settle for short news clips just to keep up to date, and it turned out that most of the time occupied by the news was freed up. My question is: What kind of content should I fill myself with?”

Since we are living in a lie, then I recommend reading fairy tales. While living in an unknown reality, it is better to read that which creates a positive state of mind. If you do not work in an influential position that requires you to delve into news and data due to your work-related responsibilities, then it is worthwhile to occupy yourself with more pleasant material. By doing so, your experiences will bring no harm to anyone.

Indeed, we need to be updated, stay aware of what is going on, and support everyone who needs it in these trying times. But we should take care not to let ourselves become swept into a constant news frenzy.

I mentioned reading fairy tales as an alternative, but it does not have to be fairy tales. It could be any number of activities. The principle is that immersing ourselves in the news results in nothing positive. On the contrary, it could breed more negative outcomes than positive ones, like fear, anxiety and stress, which there is no need for. It is more beneficial for us to engage in material that imbues more positivity into our lives.

Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur on December 11, 2023. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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