Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How Exactly COVID-19 Changes Us

I see how from one day to the next, the world is becoming more accepting and accustomed to its new conditions. Of course, there is a lot of reluctance and tension at the boundary of this acceptance. Human nature—the so-called

Israel had a Coronavirus record over the July 4th weekend, with cases spiking by 13 percent. Why do you think that is?

Now we are heading toward the end of July 2020, and the coronavirus cases have spiked nearly 92% more over the course of the month, from 28.4K cases on July 5 to 54.4K cases on July 23. Why? As I have written and spoken about extensively

What makes you optimistic about the future?

We can be optimistic about the future if we observe how nature works on us. Nature is a live system that has created us, and which includes us within itself. The ways it operates is above our perception. That is,

Where We Are Going with COVID in the Driver Seat

It is now the height of summer and COVID is still spreading ever faster. In a couple of months, as temperatures cool, it will spread even faster. This will not be another flu season; it’ll wear us out. At the

When will the coronavirus end? Are there any vaccines nearing release?

Despite the high anticipation for COVID-19’s demise, it is here to stay for a while. The coronavirus emerged in order to change the way we think, and it will remain with us until we complete this transformation. Since humanity is

Covid-19, Light at the End of the Tunnel

People’s will to weather the coronavirus storm and get back to normal life has vied with the surge of record-breaking infection rates around the globe. People are tired of hearing about the pandemic but it grips and does not let

COVID-19 and the Futile Race for a Vaccine

Throughout the world, companies are racing to find a vaccine for COVID-19. They are hoping to be able to abolish the pandemic, restore the capitalistic, over-consumerist way of life we’d had before the virus took over the world, and make

Mask Wearing, Freedom vs. Love of Others?

Life saver to some and symbol of tyranny to others—the requirement to wear a mask in public to prevent further contagion of Covid-19 has split societies around the globe. In America, the rebellious and visceral reactions of significant numbers of

What do you think about suicide?

Suicide is an unforgivable act. It is a final statement of a person to his family, friends and relatives that he does not accept what he receives in life, that he cannot justify what is happening to him, that he

Aliens on Our Own Planet

With every passing day, it’s becoming clearer that we’re moving into a new era. The protests against wearing masks are the rebellion of our egos against a compulsory change. Big tech companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook have already

The light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel

People’s will to weather the coronavirus storm and get back to normal life has vied with the surge of record-breaking infection rates around the globe. People are tired of hearing about the pandemic but it grips and does not let

A Spark of Light When Life No Longer Makes Sense

Stress, fear, loneliness and economic hardship are exacerbated by Covid-19. How will those feelings increase the risk for higher suicide rates is still a subject of study, but mental health organizations already see signs of a potential increase of the