Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What is the most important commandment, and why?

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It is difficult to categorize commandments into more or less important, but Rabbi Akiva explained that “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the most important of all the commandments. It is because “love your neighbor as yourself” includes all the

On Saadi Shīrāzī’s Verse at the UN Headquarters in New York

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A verse by the Persian poet Saadi Shīrāzī is written in gold letters and adorns the pediment of the building of the UN headquarters in New York. “All human beings are members of one frame, Since all, at first, from

As a Humanity, We Look Like Adults Playing in a Sandbox with Toys and Dolls

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Throughout human development, nature has always been giving while we have evolved egoistically, taking for ourselves. This is normal, since per nature’s plan, our evolution was meant to be self-centered for a certain period of time. It is similar to

Do you think we can have peaceful life in the future without any wars?

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In the book of the prophet Isaiah, there is a well-known phrase, “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah

Would Life Be Better without Disagreements?

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It might seem as if life would be better without disagreements because then we would have no wars and conflicts, but it is far from the case. Without disagreements, our lives would be unilateral, one-sided and humanity would be unable

How could you apply the story of Cain and Abel to today?

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Cain murdering his brother, Abel, is about when we follow our egoism, i.e., our desire to enjoy at the expense of others, trying to fulfill its demands. Cain and Abel describe two inner directions and forces in our development. Abel

How do I live a life without regret?

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There is a song that goes, “The right to forget the years, the right to choose the hours. The right to choose how to live, throwing life on the scales” (Evgeny Klyachkin, “Song about Rights”). We have the ability to

A Key Shift in the Expression of the Search for Love

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Romance novels, which are abundant today, started only being written around 300 to 400 years ago. Before such texts, people mostly wrote about their search for God. When various kinds of technology emerged, people started travelling and communicating more, and

What will come of Israel’s youth after living through the events of October 7 and the Israel-Hamas war?

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In these tough times, Israel’s younger generation is at the forefront, serving in the army or aiding evacuees, survivors and farmers. Many of these youth have experienced loss or witnessed friends fall victim to the war’s horrors. What will come

Who is the biggest enemy of Israel?

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There is currently widespread sympathy for Palestinians, which in many cases leads to a one-sided stance against Israel. Several countries have taken drastic steps: some have recalled their ambassadors, while certain large websites in China have gone as far as

The Hanukkah Miracle Today

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Uniting above the myriad conflicts we have among each other today—from physical wars and bloodshed through to endless arguments, accusations and intents to harm each other with words—indeed requires divine intervention, a miracle. We should, however, anticipate such a miracle.

Israelis were hating each other all year long, constantly protesting against each other, and then Hamas’ attack on October 7 brought them together. How can Israelis hold onto this newfound unity?

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Since the October 7 attack, we are not expressing hatred toward each other because our pain is much greater. But we are not far from how things were before October 7. We could return to that previous state in a