Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Are you aware that love is all we need?

In an era when social division and hatred is soaring, and when authorities and human reasoning fail to contain the surging negative emotions, the world definitely needs a shift to a whole, inclusive and absolute form of love. It is

Not a Virus But Sophisticated Software

Like sophisticated software, COVID-19 operates us and changes us from within. The virus is driving forward our development as human beings and we will continue experiencing on-going waves of the pandemic until we fix our selfish human relationships. Until we

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?

As much as we depict the extent of our love for ourselves, we need to love others to that same extent. The more we develop, the more we perceive “love your neighbor as yourself” differently. As the human ego, the

How can I learn to remain calm in any situation?

It is impossible to remain calm in any situation. Also, we do not have to always be calm. Nature develops us by constantly growing our ego. If we look at eons of human development, we can see development from basic

Why do people hate each other?

Hatred is an attribute unique to humans. Human nature is a self-serving egoistic desire that considers its own benefit before the benefit of anyone else. The more we develop, the more our egoistic quality grows, and likewise, the more we

Will the Coronavirus change how humans interact for ever?

The coronavirus is indeed making us undergo serious changes. Our behaviors, thoughts, ambitions, hopes and expectations have already changed, showing us that the coronavirus is not merely a tiny physical particle that infects us. The coronavirus is rather a new

What disgusts you?

Disgust emerges when there is a discrepancy between oneself and what is outside oneself, and when there is antagonism with that “someone” or “something” outside of oneself. In other words, disgust is a feeling that appears when we feel what

Why do other’s people opinions matter to you?

It has been shown in various social psychology experiments, and Kabbalists have long described it as a fundamental aspect of our lives, that others’ opinions are important to us, even if we fail to acknowledge that it is the case.

Loneliness Kills

Afew days ago, a young man in Israel, a school teacher, killed himself. He had students, he had tenure, he was healthy, handsome, eloquent, and he was lonely. In a Facebook post, he wrote his final note: “It is not

Loneliness Kills

A few days ago, a young man in Israel, a school teacher, killed himself. He had students, he had tenure, he was healthy, handsome, eloquent, and he was lonely. In a Facebook post, he wrote his final note: “It is

No Bullying and No Survival of the Fittest

A friend told me that psychologists say that our biggest problem is that when life slows down because of the coronavirus restrictions, it makes us think about why we live. In fact, they say that the main problem is when

Social Life in a Changing Job Market

Think about it, a reality where you need two breadwinners to sustain a family simply makes no sense. Both parents stay out most of the day, and by the time they get home they are exhausted and barely have energy