Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Normalization Is Politics, Not Peace

After opening the sky for Israeli airlines to fly over Saudi Arabia, some people are talking about normalization. Yet, Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, who is leading his country’s reforms and modernization, stressed that normalization with Israel will

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Israel’s Price Hikes Expose Its Many “Inner Countries”

Over the past several months, there have been price hikes in almost every product and service in Israel. The price of gasoline is already almost double that of the US, the price of electricity has jumped 9.6 percent, water by

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Neither Biden nor Obama or Any Other Leader – There Is Only One Superpower

Contrary to the hype surrounding the landing of Air Force One with President Joe Biden on board, I am not excited about his arrival in Israel. I never had any faith in him, much less in Obama, and the same

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Posted in America, Articles, News, Peace, Politics, War

The Enemy Within: Antisemitism on Israeli Campus

Once common only at U.S. and European universities, Israeli higher education institutions have now become the site of heightened political confrontation. Images of heated demonstrations—some of them turned violent—in which Palestinian flags are raised in front of Israeli flags, are

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Media, News

The Train of Evolution’s Next Stop

Let’s imagine, for just a few minutes, that we are on a special train, the train of human evolution. The train approaches its next stop and stops at the dock. As we step off the train, we see a sign

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Don’t Laugh about Humor

How does humor affect our mood? Why do people laugh at other people? How can humor improve relationships? When someone talks about something with humor, we can empathize with the situation. They can talk about very serious situations, but when

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How We Misunderstand Leadership

An interview with primatologist Frans de Waal was recently brought to my attention. De Waal, a prolific author who wrote extensively about his research on chimpanzees, is famous for having promulgated the concept of “alpha male.” In his book Chimpanzee

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Posted in Articles, Media, Nature, News

Is Hunger Possible in Today’s World?

When we hear about hunger crises, they usually refer to poorer and war-torn countries in Africa or Asia. We rarely think of hunger crises when we think of Europe or the United States. But recently, more and more voices are

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Posted in Articles, Media, News, Ukraine

Polarization and Anti-Social Networks

  Day by day there is more division and polarization, more anger and hatred, which is weaponized by an increased flood of information on social media. That is the conclusion of a recent study revealed by Yale University. But is

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Trump’s Peace Plan: Its Success Depends on Israel

  It took the US Administration three years to tailor the detailed Trump’s Middle East peace plan. The so-called “Deal of the Century” was finally announced, aiming to offer a solution to the long-lasting Israeli-Palestinian conflict through all kind of

Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, Jewish

Dr. Michael Laitman and Anti-Semitism: Why I Meet with Critics of Israel and the Jewish People

Dr. Michael Laitman and Anti-Semitism Why I Meet with Critics of Israel and the Jewish People by Dr. Michael Laitman  I invest a lot of energy into meeting with people from all walks of life in order to discuss the

Posted in antisemitism, Jewish, News

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism

Historical facts on anti-Semitism as a reflection of Jewish social discord     I am a researcher, a scientist, and a kabbalist. But first and foremost, I am a Jew. I grew up in the former Soviet Union and the

Posted in antisemitism, books, News