Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What is the meaning of Deuteronomy 5:15 where it writes “Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God brought you out from there”

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According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the state of slavery in Egypt means that we are under the complete control of the desire to enjoy for self-benefit alone, or in other words, the human ego. From such a state, we

What Will Heal the Wounds in the Israeli Society?

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Amid the painful rifts in Israeli society, in a period of mass protests, strikes and sharp divisions, today my student asked me: What prayer can we raise in such a situation? We can only raise a prayer for unity above division. It

How Can I Help Depressed Teenagers on a Large Scale?

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It seems to me that children were happier in the past when people lived simpler lives. Family and social connections filled our lives, and we were closer to our parents, neighbors and people in general. Today, we live in a

How Do I Prevent a Nuclear War?

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Even though there is a joint statement between five of the world’s most powerful nations—the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France—that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” we still see that these same nations

Why Would We Want To Bring Back Extinct Animals?

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I received this question from my student who mentioned a project of a company that is working to bring back the dodo—a large flightless bird that became extinct about 350 years ago—with the help of gene editing. The bird had

Can Dogs Smell Cancer?

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Israeli startup, SpotitEarly, uses dogs to detect cancer in people with their sense of smell. The process involves giving patients a mask into which they breathe for a few minutes. The mask is then taken to a laboratory where dogs

What Is the Future of Humanity?

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In the future, people will come to see the connections among nature’s myriad parts. More specifically, our future change would be only in how we understand connections. Take, for instance, an alien suddenly visiting our planet. It would see us

Is the World Really Controlled by Just a Few Families?

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Indeed, we live within a power hierarchy where only a few dozen families control the world and do whatever they wish for themselves. It seems as if they have limitless abilities with their power, as they limit humanity from obtaining

What Is the Best Way To Protect Oneself From the Evil Eye?

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First, what is the evil eye? In principle, the evil eye is the negative effect of negative thoughts from other people. Our thoughts indeed play a major role in our lives, and we are influenced by negative thoughts that others

How Can I Learn to Remain Calm in Any Situation?

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It is impossible to remain calm in any situation. Also, we do not have to always be calm. Nature develops us by constantly growing our ego. If we look at eons of human development, we can see development from basic

Why Is Passover Important Today?

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Kabbalists relate to Passover with utmost importance because it represents an exit from our egoistic nature, the desire to enjoy at the expense of others and nature, which separates us from sensing the eternal and whole reality in which we

What Do You Gain From Rising Above the Ego?

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You gain upper knowledge, sensation and attainment with which you acquire absolute fulfillment. You then see the entire universe from one end to the other, indefinitely and integrally, and you feel and realize how interconnected everything is. #happiness #fulfillment #ego Based on