Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Can You Define “Love” in One Sentence?

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Love is to place the desires of others above one’s own desires. #love #desires #empathy Based on KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Find the Purpose of Your Child” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on June 27, 2012. Written/edited by students

Why Do People Relate to Their Reflection in Others?

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We do not see other people but our own reflection in them. Kabbalistic sources describe this phenomenon of our perception extensively, that we do not see others, but we see them in our perception, and what we see as their

Why Is English Considered an International Language?

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England once fought with Germany to spread their respective influences on American territory, and the German language was set to prevail at a certain point. If it did, then today we would very likely be in a world with German

What Is the Difference Between God and Nature?

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“It is best for us to agree and accept the words of the Kabbalists that ‘the nature’ (Heb. ‘HaTeva’ [‘הטבע’]) has the same numerical value as ‘God’ (Heb. ‘Elohim’ [‘אלהים’]—eighty-six. Then, I will be able to call the laws of

Why Do Some People Find Thrill-Seeking Activities Such as Bungee Jumping or Skydiving Exciting Rather Than Scary?

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Whether it is bungee jumping, skydiving, other extreme sports, thrill-seeking theme park rides and even scary movies, in such instances we want to feel the limit and how we breach it: that we reach a state beyond our capabilities. We

What Are You Afraid of and Why?

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I am afraid of nothing anymore. In the past, I was afraid of not having enough time to complete everything that I wanted to in life. That passed a long time ago though. What is there to fear? If we

What Is the Biggest Regret People Have On Their Deathbed?

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A very common regret people have before death is in relation to what they did not do in their lives, for instance, the regret of working too much and not dedicating enough time to their family and friends. Such moments,

Do People Change for the Worse When They Get Older?

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I received this question from my student after he was touched by a story of a seven-year-old girl who placed parking tickets on cars’ windshields in her neighborhood, where she wrote “You parked very nicely!” with a heart-shaped drawing. My

A Special Message for International Women’s Day

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Dear Women, On this International Women’s Day, however much I can say “Thank you” to women around the world, I cannot express the true amount of gratitude for your consistent immense contribution. While gray clouds gather over our world with

What Does Nature Require of Us All?

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I received this question from one of my students after the tragic Turkey-Syria earthquake, when dozens of thousands of people got killed, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless in the freezing cold with no food. The student asked me

What Story Is Read on Purim? Why?

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The story starts with Ahasuerus, King of Shushan, enjoying a royal feast, and then his wife, Queen Vashti, disobeyed one of his commands, so he divorced her and sought another wife. The king had a loyal minister called Mordecai, who

Why Are People Scared of Black Cats?

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People’s fear of black cats, shying away from broken mirrors and attributing dark and ominous signs to all kinds of events in our lives, such as Kyiv residents recently doing so in relation to huge flocks of crows that passed