Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Iran’s Threat on Israel Is an Invitation to Evolve Human Consciousness

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As much of the world contemplates the looming threat of Iran on Israel, it is an opportunity to consider how every aspect of our lives is governed by nature’s laws that ultimately develop us all to more unified states, and

Why Did Nature Create Us to Fight Our Way Through Thorns to the Stars?

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Nature created us in order to fight our way through thorns to the stars so that we truly master these spaces and absorb them within us. It is why we need to combine both light and shadows—and the contrasts between

What Are Some Possible Reasons Why Israel Is Considered Weak?

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From the distant past to the present day, the nature of the life and the wars of the people of Israel seems passive and stagnant compared to other nations. If the nations of the world rush to conquer and demand

Are You Standing at a Crossroads in Your Life?

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Two roads met at a crossroads, a narrow one and a wide one. The wide one said: “Look at yourself. You are covered in sharp rocks and crevices. Look at me: I am beautiful, smooth. Alongside me there are cafés,

The Allegory of Timidity, Cunning and Courage

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Timidity wanted to hide from itself, but where? Cunning advised it: “Why don’t you settle with Courage? It won’t be so scary then.” Timidity went to Courage, but was afraid to knock on the door, so Timidity just laid down

What Are Some Things You Can Do to Get Rid of Anxious Thoughts?

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We can get rid of anxious thoughts by doing actions for others out of necessity. It is important to note that “for others” does not mean for people who are already naturally close to us, like our family and relatives.

What Makes Jews So Special?

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The Jewish people originated not on a biological foundation, but on an ideological one. Around 4,000 years ago, a group of Babylonians gathered around Abraham and followed his method of uniting above differences and divisions in order to achieve the

Three Children Were Asked What Love Is. Adults Can Learn from Their Answers.

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One of my students was recently impressed by the answers of three young children who were asked “What is love to you?” and asked me about whether we could learn from these kids’ answers in our expressions of love as

How Can I Deal With Family Hatred?

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What is required here is patience and understanding, recognizing that the others in the family share similar feelings, impressions and aspirations. Within everyone lies both love and hatred, which can align and diverge at different times. Furthermore, it is unnecessary

What Advice Would You Give to Couples Considering Marriage?

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Consider embarking on the journey of starting a family, nurturing children and cultivating the deepest connection possible in this world—a bond that will undoubtedly enrich your lives. Marriage and parenthood are integral parts of spiritual growth for couples as they

What Decisions Does Israel Face Regarding Its War Against Hamas?

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Israel’s decision making should accord with what is best for the country, which is the complete military and political dismantlement of Hamas. This is because, as is already clearly visible, any weakness on Israel’s behalf will later turn into a

What Should Israel Ideally Achieve in Its Relationship With the World?

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The world needs to realize, based on our actions, that we can truly bring peace to the world and that we cannot be broken, persuaded or pressured into agreeing to anything. The world should know that we have a historical