Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Birth of a New World

The new positive reality we can expect after the coronavirus crisis Uncertainty, fear and anxiety are the agents of massive contagion when people face a sudden and drastic shift like the one we now experience with the coronavirus pandemic, but

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Coronavirus: Nature’s Vaccine To Cure Egoism

With all the home quarantines and health department orders to stay at home except for essential needs amounting around the world at this time, while these moves are meant to protect our physical health, they can also serve as a

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What Is So Unique about the Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic we are now experiencing will go down in history as a very unique period. A state of emergency around the world and the paralysis of our economic and social structures have come about all due to one

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Coronavirus: Opportunity to Change Our Social Infrastructure

We can find many reasons to complain about the disruptions in our lives since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. However, if we take a closer look, we will see that we are in the midst of a rare opportunity

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How to Make Sense of the Global Coronavirus Shock

The global respiratory disease, the coronavirus, has taken our breath away in a split second. But it can be used as an opportunity to inject oxygen into a new world. It is well known that people do not appreciate what

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The Coronavirus Era — Time to Calm Down and Rethink Our Lives

Before the coronavirus became a worldwide phenomenon, we were in a very dangerous global state. I had felt alarm bells going off as global tension and anxiety were reaching an all-time high. Whether it was fiercely growing world debt, tense

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Coronavirus: A Lesson in Humility

This is not the first time humanity faces a frightening pandemic, but COVID-19 or coronavirus is undoubtedly one of a kind. No other health crisis in the past washed over the entire world like a tsunami leaving basically no corner

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Coronavirus — a Blessing in Disguise?

Life will return to normalcy after Coronavirus, but normalcy will not be what we know today. After the withdrawal symptoms from consumerism abuse subside, people will wake up to a new reality. The longer it takes for humanity to overcome

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Coronavirus and the New Humanity

The outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) caught us off guard. Initially, the majority of the world didn’t really care because it was in China, and the West sees China mainly as a big factory. Next, we thought it was little

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Corona — A Virus that Is Also a Vaccine

“As nature is interconnected, so we can become, if we set our minds and hearts on it. In that sense, the coronavirus is an unprecedented opportunity for growth.” We’re still not getting what’s coming. COVID-19, or Coronavirus Disease, is messing

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Coronavirus and the Value of Life

2019 was a record year for Dengue Fever in Latin America. Some 3 million people were infected, and 1,500 of them died. Each year, the disease is claiming more and more lives but hardly anyone outside Latin America knows about it. Why?

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Coronavirus: A Lesson in Mutual Responsibility

Who would have thought that a virus, and not a particularly deadly one, would press the world’s kill switch? Who would believe in the beginning of this year that a measly flu-like germ with the name of a beer brand

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