Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Do You Think about the Difficulties in Life?

If we wish to achieve the goal of our lives, which is balance with the laws of nature—laws of love, bestowal and connection—then we need to make an effort. We can then view life’s difficulties as help, thanks to which we grow.

Our motion toward our future, final destination in life, where we are harmoniously and peacefully connected as a single whole, can take place to the extent of our growth from our inborn egoistic modus operandi—where we naturally seek to benefit ourselves alone—to its opposite mode of love, bestowal and positive connection with others.

Life’s difficulties then become like problems that school children need to solve at school. In our growth from our inborn egoistic nature to balance with nature’s altruistic and integral laws, we solve problems so that each of the difficulties creates a completely new perception and feeling of the world in us.

In principle, life’s difficulties are not hardships as much as they let us learn, adapt and enrich us with new discernments and attainments. It is the same learning process as in science and other fields of knowledge, only that in our progress to balance with nature, we ourselves—our own intellect and emotions—become the subjects of research.

Based on KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Overcoming Difficulties” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on May 1, 2012. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
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