Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Time for the Next Impact

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In the first wave, Israel went into a strict lockdown. It was nothing like the curfew that we see in China, but still, businesses were closed and people’s movements were heavily restricted. In the second wave, the lockdown was not

What are your thoughts on those who aspire to be perfect?

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Perfection differs for everybody. For one person, Schwarzenegger represents perfection, while for another, Einstein does it for them, and of course, the list goes on and on for more and more people. It is all subjective. There is no perfection

Why Iran Gets Away with Anything

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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has recently admonished Iran for not cooperating with the agency after traces of uranium were found in several sites in Iran. In response, Iran disconnected some of the IAEA surveillance cameras that the agency

What is the perfect life?

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Life is perfect. The myriad dreams we each have of a perfect life are detached from what a perfect life actually is, and our problem is that we fail to understand what a perfect life is. To start with, we

Every Boom Has Its Bust

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“US Bonds Flag Recession Risk,” says today’s headline on Bloomberg.com. “Futures Put S&P 500 on Course to Enter Bear Market,” reads today’s headline of The Wall Street Journal. Other newspapers, too, devote their business sections to the worsening economic outlook, and everyone

In Response to Norwegian Labeling, Israel Should Cherry-Pick Its Goals

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Norway has just joined the group of European countries that implemented a 2019 European Union and UN Security Council resolution that establishes an obligation to label products originating in “Israeli settlements”—areas Israel gained control of in the West Bank and

Why do people pretend their lives are perfect on social media?

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We want to feel proud and better than other people, that they will envy us. Our egoistic human nature prioritizes self-benefit over benefiting others, making us want to see ourselves in a better position than others. We thus want to

Understanding Social Impact

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Humans are social beings; this is how nature created us. As such, the society we live in has a decisive influence on us. We already know about mirror neurons and other mechanisms of social influence, but there are other forms

Queen Elizabeth and the Eternal Kingdom

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“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service.” Those were the words of commitment of then princess Elizabeth before becoming the Queen, and the first British Monarch

Debunking the Myth that America Loves Israel

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Americans have probably long known this, but for Israelis, the realization that America may not be our best friend and faithful guardian is somewhat of a shocker. Now, for those still in doubt, a new book by Distinguished University Professor

Where does the need for perfection come from?

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It comes from within us, from our nature, which is a desire to enjoy. There are six kinds of criteria to what we wish to enjoy. Three concern the body, which are food, sex and family, and three concern our

Why does God exist or not exist?

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God does not exist. What exists is nature with its eternal laws. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, the primary fundamental force of nature is called “the Creator,” because nature creates all life, including us. We exist in nature as its