Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

At Highland Park, the Murderer Went for Jews

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Four of the seven victims of the Highland Park mass shooting were Jewish, and probably many of the dozens who were injured. According to a JTA report, “Although local authorities have not yet said whether they believe the shooter’s motivation

Can we live in a disease-free world?

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It is possible to live in a disease-free world on condition that we take care of human connections. Human connections, i.e. the attitudes we hold toward each other, our relationships, are the higher source of all good and bad that

What do you pray to?

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We develop in our lives until we gradually start understanding that we are in a perfect and whole system that includes all people. It controls us in order to lead us to a certain state where we get to know

What does Kabbalah offer the world?

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The wisdom of Kabbalah says very simply that the world is controlled by human nature, which is a will to receive for self-benefit alone. Unless we correct human nature, which means inverting it so that we acquire an aim to benefit others

Sex, Love, and How to Reconcile Them

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Looking for a suitable partner can drive you nuts. Even once we do find someone, the euphoria quickly fades as conflicts soon emerge. As a result, marriage rates are dropping, and nearly half of the couples that do marry eventually

Business with Friends – a Bad Idea

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A viewer of one of my shows sent an email describing the following sad story: Several years ago, I started a business with a childhood friend. Many people recommended that we sign a business contract with an attorney, but it

What Breeds Ongoing Violence in the U.S.?

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America hardly recuperates from the shock of a mass shooting in a certain city when a new incident takes place somewhere else. Seven people were killed and more than 30 wounded in the shooting perpetrated by a 21-year-old man at

If Science Could Provide Longevity, We Would Need to Ask Why

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A story published on the Hebrew edition of Israel Hayom ישראל היום states that a research conducted by Rambam Health Care Campus – Hospital hospital and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology claims to have found that injecting a protein called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A

A Squalid War that Heralds a New Era

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It has been more than four months since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Initially, the world was aghast with the atrocities many had thought would never return to Europe. But as the days and weeks went by, emotions

America: Happy Interdependence Day!

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The struggling U.S. economy is spoiling Independence Day celebrations this year. The traditional barbecue is getting much more expensive and traveling by car is becoming a luxury due to record-high gasoline prices which have risen nearly 56% over last year.

What should I do when life stagnates?

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Accept that you are stuck. That is, be aware that you are at a dead end. Ask yourself: “Was I the cause of my life currently becoming stagnant, or not?” Really try to answer this question. Eventually, such a question should lead

How do I overcome stagnation in all aspects of my life?

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By realizing the positive process taking place when we feel that our lives are in stagnation, and contemplating questions such as what we had before reaching a stagnant state, what we will get later, what we would want to have,