Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What’s the Difference Between the Terms “God” and “Creator”?

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The words “God” and “Creator” evoke different feelings. Religions, beliefs and people in general more readily relate to the word “God” as a certain power that fills the void around us, existing outside of us. The Creator, however, creates the

What Is Your View on Unemployment Due to AI?

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The more AI will develop, the more people will become jobless. It is indeed a major problem, and it will increasingly show us that we do not know what we should do with ourselves. People will go crazy if they

Is It Possible for a Jew to Be an Anti-semite?

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A Jew can be an antisemite because being Jewish is not a nationality. To be a Jew means to be drawn to “love your neighbor as yourself,” i.e., to host an attraction to unity. It is a special kind of

Do Dogs Help Autistic Children?

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Autistic children tend to withdraw and find it difficult to communicate with people around them. They feel lonely, and dogs are indeed one way to help them. Autistic children often develop special relationships with their dogs, patting, hugging and taking

Is Peace between Israel and Palestinians Out of Reach?

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Peace between Israel and any other nation depends on the Jewish people being at peace with each other. In the past, Israeli Jews were once united in times of war. Today, even war fails to unite us. There is no

Can a Dream Predict Something?

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Dreams are when our brain assorts impressions from our experiences that need a certain sensory and mental rearrangement. I understand that many people delve into interpreting dreams, and use them to predict the future, but I personally hold no such

What Makes You Hate People’s Ego?

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A major problem with today’s world is that everyone blames everyone else. If we, however, view ourselves as living in a completely interconnected and interdependent system, then everyone in that system is to blame: no one is right or wrong.

The Inevitable Clash between Democratic Institutions and Democracy

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In light of the growing social and political tensions in Israel, Gadi Taub , a Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Communications at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as a political commentator

Is the US Government Seeking to Delegitimize Israel?

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About a week ago, it became known that the “Biden administration’s outgoing ambassador to Israel personally signed off on a controversial $1 million grant to a program critics said was meant to delegitimize Israel, according to internal State Department communications.”

Is It Fair to Push Your Child into Activities They Don’t Want to Do?

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A child’s upbringing should take place under the influence of the surrounding society. Parents are a very important aspect of our upbringing, but in principle, in any society children are educated not by their parents, but by their surrounding societies

What Exactly Is Fascism? What Is Wrong With It?

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The word “fascio” means linking a bundle together. Fascism is thus a certain unity of people, but a unity with no correction of our egoistic desires. Our every desire is egoistic, i.e., a desire to serve ourselves at the expense

What Do You Think Are the Responsibilities of a School Principal?

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Other than being well-educated and having experience, a school principal is a person who needs to understand children’s and teenager’s characters. They need to be special people in that they have patience, an understanding of human nature, and knowledge of