Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Whoever Is President, Israel’s Security Depends on Itself

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If eventually elected, Joe Biden will clearly not give Israel what Donald Trump will give if he is elected for another term. But either way, and though it may be counterintuitive, Israel is the only country that can determine its

It Takes Two Sides to Build a Bridge

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The Left and the Right will not compromise. They cannot, since human self-centeredness is ever growing and people are becoming increasingly obstinate and intolerant. We cannot help it; nature is developing our egoism just as it develops every plant and

What is motivation?

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Motivation is a desire that elicits an act. It disallows indifference and urges the realization of an outcome that is defined in the motivation. As human beings, possessing a motivation that defines what we should realize in our lives provides

On Beautiful Women and the November Shopping Fest

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November has become the month of online shopping. This year, for example, you have the Singles’ Day, Veterans Day (targeting Americans), and Remembrance Day (targeting Canadians, Australians, and British), all on November 11. Three days later, on November 14, you

What is nature and why?

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Nature is a single, whole and perfect system. It contains four levels—inanimate, vegetative, animate and human—and it operates everything but the human. We humans are outside nature’s integral functioning, and this is the reason for all forms of suffering in

What’s the essence of human relationships and communications?

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The essence of human relationships and communications is in the manifestation of a mutual state of harmonious connection. Prior to connecting harmoniously, we each experience numerous positive and negative sensations that arise in our contact with each other. Eventually, this

It’s a Draw! Hash It Out!

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Whether Trump or Biden end up in the White House, neither will be the president of the United States. He will be the president of only the Americans who elected him. A president who is one hundred percent accepted by

Any President of Half the Nation Is Illegitimate

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America is split between two halves that hate each other to death. Whatever one says, the other instinctively counters, regardless of the content. When one candidate represents half the nation, and the other represents the other half, then neither represents

What is your opinion about the 2020 USA election?

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Today, we bear witness to increasing social division and polarization all around the world, in all of the developed nations of the so-called free world, and the more developed the nation, the greater the polarization. Why are we becoming increasingly

In the Jungle of American Politics, Donkeys and Elephants Must Coexist – BizCatalyst

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At the time of the writing of this article, there is still no clear winner of the presidential election. But even at the time, the final results are officially declared, still, there will be no winner unless his aim is

In the Jungle of American Politics, Donkeys and Elephants Must Coexist

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At the time of the writing of this article, there is still no clear winner of the presidential election. But even at the time the final results are officially declared, still there will be no winner unless his aim is

When You’re a Polarizing Factor, Don’t Be Surprised If You’re Hated

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According to a recently published survey by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), nearly 90 percent of US Jews are worried about rising antisemitism. As always with antisemitism, Jews don’t think they deserve it. At the same time, Jews are leading