Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

WHO Is Asking for Consideration

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is asking countries that have enough vaccinations for a booster (third) shot to wait with it so that poor countries where people haven’t received the first shot may get it. No one is taking its request seriously,

Why Lebanon Isn’t Switzerland Anymore

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In addition to Lebanon’s severe water and food shortages, and collapse of the power grid, Hezbollah is once again shooting rockets at Northern Israel. It may seem like the beginning of yet another bloody chapter in the chronicles of this

The Spiritual Reason that I took in the Third Shot

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A little while ago, I received an invitation from the Ministry of Health to go to a certain vaccination center in my country, Israel, to get my third shot. I stood in line for maybe half an hour before my

How will the world compensate for the growing energy needs and resource consumption of developing nations like China and India when nations like the United States consume resources disproportionate to their populations?

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It is impossible to stop the struggle for natural resources used to produce raw materials. This struggle will lead to major problems such as imbalances between countries, and also wars. The extent to which our world lacks balance and equality

Behind Iran’s Power Play

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Since the rise of the Shi’ite regime in Iran, the country that used to be on good terms with Israel has been promoting an extremist ideology against the Jewish state. In recent months, the rhetoric has become so pugnacious that

No One (Really) Wants to End Antisemitism

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A few days ago, the BBC News posted a story with the alarming title, “Anti-Semitic social posts ‘not taken down’ in 80% of cases.” The story, based on a report titled Failure to Protect, by the Center for Countering Digital

Can a person be perceptive enough to see our planet in way that tell them that they too are a part of nature?

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We are incapable of understanding that we are parts of humanity, nature, the world and the universe. Our inborn ego limits us from seeing such a picture. In order to feel the all-enveloping nature that surrounds us, we need to

Why Our Connection Can Stop the Fires

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When the world is consumed by fire, inundated in floods, and crippled by a global plague, only one remedy can really help: union. Only our solidarity, our sense of mutual responsibility, can lift us above the impairments that nature has

Why do we still believe more in nationalism than in humanity as a whole?

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The more developed we are, the broader we perceive our lives and human life in general. We become interested in an increasingly wider world. In ancient times, we were closed within our families, and afterward, in our villages, and then

Time to Revamp Our Thinking about our Children

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According to an essay published on July 20, 2021 in the Journal of Adolescence, over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in loneliness at school among teenagers. The essay, titled “Worldwide increases in adolescent loneliness,” written

Hiroshima- Have We Learned the Lesson?

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In the late 1940s and early 50s, the great kabbalist and thinker Baal HaSulam wrote a series of essays and notes that were later compiled into what became known as The Writings of the Last Generation. In those writings, Baal

How to Make Good Decisions

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Ostensibly, we are constantly making decisions. In practice, it is not at all certain that to this day we have made a single truly significant decision about the meaning of life or about the inner potential that is hidden inside