Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

National Unity Day- An Alibi for More Division

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A suggested National Unity Day is garnering support on all sides of the political spectrum in Israel. The day, which started as an initiative to commemorate the memory of three teenagers who were kidnapped and slain by terrorists, has evolved

TV is very powerful communication medium. Why do we use it to spread such unimportant information?

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Television is a source of information for the masses, and since the lowest and basest desires are what the masses have in common, then television mostly caters for such desires. The problem, however, is not with the level of the

Being an Environmentalist Pays Well

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A recently released report by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) states that “Human influence has warmed the climate at a rate that is unprecedented in at least the last 2000 years. … Human-induced climate change,” the report asserts,

National Lazy Day – What a Great Idea

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Tuesday this week, August 10, to be exact, was National Lazy Day, an unofficial holiday that celebrates the “inner couch potato,” according to the website Time and Date. We are taught to despise laziness and admire diligence, but the current

The Hidden Purpose of Online Antisemitism

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The Internet and social media in particular have rapidly become the most widespread and visceral field for antisemites. The five major social networking platforms in the world—Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram, and YouTube—ignored 84% of reports submitted to them about

Are cities the future?

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Thanks to technological development, humanity will not be concentrated in big cities, but just the opposite, it will expand outwardly. People will be able to work at home, and they will also have consumer products delivered to their homes. The

How can we produce renewable energy?

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We use only a very small proportion of the possible productivity of energy sources that we receive from nature, and it is because we use nature egoistically. In other words, since our principal consideration is how to benefit ourselves at

Net Neutrality Doesn’t Exist because Neutrality Doesn’t Exist

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Larry Sanger, Wikipedia co-founder, has recently blasted the online encyclopedia he helped create for its lack of neutrality. This isn’t the first time he has done this. On May 14, 2020, Sanger wrote in his personal blog, “Wikipedia no longer

The Evolutionary Leap Humanity Needs

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Humanity has evolved at the fastest pace ever in recent decades. Once we were happy with simply walking; when that wasn’t fast enough we started traveling by car. Now that is insufficient and we want to travel to space. Has

How can the increase in access to the internet among low-income communities help to promote social and economic development?

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With the help of the Internet, every person in the world can access unlimited sources of information almost at no cost. This means is equal for everyone all around the world. Even though the human ego is behind its development,

As Clay in the Hands of the Coach

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Perhaps one of the most symbolic images from the Tokyo Olympic Games that ended last week was that of Israeli gold medalist Linoy Ashram, who, after receiving the medal, went to her coach and hung the medal on her coach’s

How can everyone acquire access to clean water without conflict?

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It is impossible to achieve positive results by means of conflict and war. Instead, we need an approach of raising global human consciousness so that we will understand the extent of our interconnectedness and interdependence. If anyone has negative feelings,