Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

If You Can’t Beat Them, Fear Them

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The terror attack at a restaurant in downtown Tel-Aviv last Thursday evening killed three civilians and injured fourteen others. But terror attacks do much more than kill innocent people; they terrorize entire populations. The recent spate of terrorist attacks in

The Folly of War

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There has been a lot of talk lately about war crimes. The definition of war crimes is very broad, so there are many injustices that fall under the category of war crimes. What used to be customary for past conquerors

In France, Jews Should Expect Protection from No One

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A new case of an alleged antisemitic murder, downplayed as an accident, could affect the outcome of next Sunday’s presidential election in France. A possible victory by far-right candidate Marine LePen over incumbent President Manuel Macron, who is up for

Israel’s Defense Against Terrorism

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Terrorist attacks are not just another headline in the news, it is the shattering of people’s lives cut short, and it is the panic and chaos that rip through an area in their wake. Fear ripples through and takes up

Why We Cannot Stop Fighting

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When you reflect on the history of humanity, you see that people have always been fighting one another. It seems like there is never really peace, but only a pause between battles. Man’s disposition for constant fighting seems even more

World Jewry Will Be with Us When We Are with Us

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Last week, Tzedek Chicago Synagogue officially designated itself “anti-Zionist.” In its statement, the synagogue decried the establishment of Israel as an “injustice against the Palestinian people.” The synagogue also posted on its twitter account that “Members of Tzedek Chicago voted to affirm

Humor, a Serious Matter

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What makes humor so necessary in our lives? What should be a source of laughter? Everything has been created for our development, including a sense of humor. It gives us the strength and the ability to develop. Anyone who is

Put Leaders in Our Shoes

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I recently posted my reply to an email I received about praying. I receive many emails, and these days, a lot of them concern the war in Ukraine. Another email I received about the war came from a man named

So Torn I am Afraid to Pray

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A few days ago, I received an email from Yulia, who confessed to feeling torn, powerless in this world, and unable to help those close to her. “I have a prayer for peace,” she wrote, “for good connections among people,

World Health Day Assessment: The Planet Is Sick

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There is not much to celebrate on World Health Day designated as April 7th by the United Nations. Old diseases once thought eradicated like polio are making a comeback in different continents, and after two years since the Covid-19 outbreak,

Redefining Overconsumption

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The latest Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that the environment is almost at the point of no return. It warns that unless we restrain our insatiable hunger for power and wealth, we will destroy ourselves. In my opinion, the problem

What If Iran Has the A Bomb?

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The looming nuclear agreement between Iran and the US (and other partners to the deal) poses major challenges for Israel. The deal will funnel many billions of dollars to a regime that has vowed to destroy Israel and has repeatedly