Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Return of Sane Capitalism?

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The current financial system is a bogus invention crafted in order to produce enormous wealth for the ruling few. The new system will benefit all Americans regardless of political affiliation.  When the financial bubble popped in 2008, many people felt

From Watchdogs Into Dogs—How the Media Became a Fraud

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The media is so biased that no one expects it to report honestly. But without media honesty, we lose touch with reality Journalists like to present the media as the “watchdog of democracy.” Wikipedia describes this sort of journalism as

The Demise of Totalitarian Liberalism

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The end of hate-filled, totalitarian “liberalism” began with Netanyahu, spread to the US, and will continue to Europe During the March 2015 election campaign in Israel, the polls predicted a dead heat between the right leaning Likud and the left

The War on Terror Will Not Be Won with Weapons; It Will Be Won with Spirit

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The Problem Eight mad men are all it takes to bring a strong, proud nation to its knees. No army or police can guarantee the safety of citizens against determined, brainwashed radicalists whose only aim in life is to kill

Boycott on Israel — What, and Who Can Change This?

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The security situation is affecting every aspect of our lives. When the general insanity is maintained every day by clips of stabbing attacks, and at the same time Europe starts marking Israeli products, is it any wonder that we are

What Jews Must Learn from Trump’s Victory

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Reality caught everyone by surprise. The shock and dismay over the election of Donald Trump for president must teach us quite a few things. Reality caught everyone by surprise. Media coverage was misleading and the polls turned out to be

We’ve Probably Been Spared, For Now…

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Here’s why Trump’s victory is actually the best news we could have hoped for No survey anticipated this, but Trump is the new President-elect. In my view, which I have elaborated on several times, including here in Haaretz, Trump’s victory

Beyond Trump and Clinton

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This divisive election campaign is the outcome of our own egoism. If we want something else, we must change ourselves. Realizing and wanting are the keys to generating change. Good morning America. It’s Thursday, the second post election day. It’s

Trump vs. Clinton—Two Worlds That Never Meet

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Underneath the smear campaigns lies Trump’s battle to save the real economy vs. Clinton’s efforts to save Wall Street. The current US election is fundamentally different from any previous campaign. Underneath the unprecedented smear campaigns lies a chasm between worldviews

A Bird’s Eye View on the US Election

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America is a nation of fearless pioneers that has become stagnant and reactionary. Now it must become bold again. Whoever occupies the White House over the next four years will have a full plate. As an ontologist and kabbalist (the

The US Election: An Outsider’s Perspective

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America is long overdue for change. We must choose which candidate will take it through the shift successfully and safely I have been a researcher my entire life. In my younger days I was fascinated with the human body’s complicated

The Balfour Declaration: His Majesty’s Gift Was Also a Demand

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The Balfour Declaration was initiated for good reason: The people of Israel have a critical role in the history of humankind. Exactly 99 years ago, minus one day, Lord Arthur James Balfour, then Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom and