Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Four Colors of the (Human) Rainbow

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  In 1954, the Supreme Court, under Chief Justice Earl Warren, unanimously revoked the constitutionality of segregation. But court rulings don’t change hearts. Deep inside, the hatred that created the segregation is very much alive and fuels the flames of

How to Find the Joy in Simple Life

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In simplicity lies the key to happiness. Thus, the change the world needs now is not only to get back to basics, but back to simple. If we could have a look at our planet from a higher perspective, like

Bad Shame, Good Shame

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Today (Tuesday, June 2nd), I had a conversation with a former high profile economist in Israel. The conversation touched on many subjects, one of which was tax evasion. To most people, not paying one’s full taxes does not seem like

America’s Do or Die Day

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An election year is always a tough year. But this year seems tougher than most. The trade war with China that seemed to be abating with the January 15 signing of phase 1 of the trade agreement has been reignited

Blacks, Whites, and Segregation of the Hearts

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Between what seems to be a hopeless battle against the coronavirus, a trade war with China, a rancorous election year, and riots all over the US, it seems as though America has really got it bad this time. The choices

Segregation of the Hearts

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Between what seems to be a hopeless battle against the coronavirus, a trade war with China, a rancorous election year and riots all over the United States, it seems as though America has really got it bad this time. The

The Wrong Way to Equal Rights

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The terrible wrong that was done to George Floyd, RIP, sparked a storm that who knows when or how it will end. But using this tragedy to justify killing even more people does not improve anything, and demolishing and looting

The Search for Truth in a World of Lies

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What we see is no longer what we get. An avalanche of unreliable and misleading information is spreading around the world at an alarming rate, particularly now, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conspiracy theories and promotion of false

When Hatred Tramples Fear

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Hatred has overcome modern day Babylon. All over America, stores are looted and burnt, cars are torched, places of worship are vandalized, and people are beaten and shot. Who cares about the coronavirus now? When hatred sets in, fear is

How do I tell fake news from real news?

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The real news is that the media publicizes and broadcasts the news in accordance with its owners’ funding sources’ agendas, i.e., it is all ultimately fake news. When subscribers were the primary source of news media funding, then the media

Fake News for a Fake World

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The director of the World Health Organization said about COVID-19: “Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus.” Indeed, if you’re looking for truth in today’s world, then the truth is that everybody’s lying. Every media outlet warps

Tikkun Olam and the Falsehood of Social Justice- Times of Israel

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Always around the holiday of Shavuot (aka Feast of Weeks), we Jews discuss the concept of Tikkun Olam (lit. “correction of the world”). The prevailing understanding of Tikkun Olam is that the term speaks of the obligation of Jews to pursue social justice, lead an ethical life, and