Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Regardless of Election Results, If Israel Unites, It Can Decide Its Own Fate

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Around the world, people are looking closely at the vote count in America. When it comes to the United States, everyone has an interest. In Israel, too, the split society is split between supporting the candidates. But Israel is different

Regardless of Election Results, If Israel Unites, It Can Decide Its Own Fate – TIMES OF ISRAEL

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Around the world, people are looking closely at the vote count in America. When it comes to the United States, everyone has an interest. In Israel, too, the split society is split between supporting the candidates. But Israel is different

If We Behave as Before, We Will End Up as Before

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Perhaps the terrorist attack on Monday evening in Vienna did not target Jews directly, but when bad times come, and they have come, Jews are in everyone’s sights. It is with good reason that Jewish community leaders in Austria advised

When Terror Strikes Close to Home

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Eduard (Edi) Yosupov is a veteran student and a friend. He has been studying with me for 20 years now, and during most of those years he was living in Vienna. In 2005, I visited him and went to the


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We have almost arrived at what Americans call “money time.” A nail-biting election campaign to many is coming to a zenith with the US election day, when the course that the country will follow will be determined. Public health and

To Wear or Not to Wear? That Is the Question – BIZCATALYST

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To wear a mask, or not to wear a mask? That is the question! As the world grapples with the second (and sometimes third) wave of Covid-19, countries are debating if, where, and in what situations they should make mask-wearing mandatory.

France, the War Was Fought While You Were Sleeping

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While everyone in the Western world is expressing shock at the recent murders in France by extreme Islamists, I wonder where all those pundits who are so quick to offer condemnation and advice were all those years while they were

Charlie Hebdo- Freedom of Expression or Freedom to Spread Hate?

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Democratic countries often put the right for freedom of expression on a pedestal. But what if that right is used to spread hate; is it still permitted then? Many countries in Europe guard free speech with champions of liberal ideals,

The Day After the US Elections

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We have almost arrived at what Americans call “money time.” A nail-biting election campaign to many is coming to a zenith with the US election day, when the course that the country will follow will be determined. Public health and

When Old Values Die, New Ones Are Born

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Nothing was more important to us than stuff. By “stuff,” I don’t necessarily mean objects or accessories, but everything that distinguishes us from others, that makes us special, unique. When Covid came, it locked us up in our homes, made

To Wear or Not to Wear? That Is the Question

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To wear a mask, or not to wear a mask? That is the question! As the world grapples with the second (and sometimes third) wave of Covid-19, countries are debating if, where, and in what situations they should make mask-wearing

Europe’s Social Ticking Time Bomb, the World Will Follow

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Ire and frustration have erupted into the streets of Europe. Anti-lockdown protests and raging clashes between demonstrators and the police erupted in multiple cities across Europe, including Germany and Spain, and were particularly violent and widespread in Italy. Further restrictions