Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

French Jews Defending Their Loyalty to France

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In recent months, there have been voices of French Jews in France and in Israel urging the Jews in France to immigrate to Israel. Their reasons vary, from France’s Covid-19 crisis through the declining economic situation and the dim predictions

The Key to Success in Life

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John Lennon once wrote, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” His life’s story proves he was right. But today, the lives of most of us prove he was right. In fact, it seems as though nature

The Guide to Life Online

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Whether we like it or not, we live online. Staying home has taken on global proportions after more than a year of the pandemic. It is now more evident than ever that we are linked to each other in an

On the Verge of Despair

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Little by little, the realization sinks in: Nothing seems to make things better: not the new year, not the new administration, and not the vaccines. Living on the fast-track simply isn’t working anymore. It hasn’t been working for the past

The More Woke We Become, the Less We See

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Look at what is happening: We have built a world where you can live however you want, be whatever you want, and do whatever you want. We are woke, progressive, and expressive; we are high when we are high, and

Justice Is Blind, Until It Concerns Israel

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Israel is once again singled out as it was recently announced that it is threatened to be put on the docket 0f the International Criminal Court in The Hague for alleged war crimes. Meanwhile, the actions of blatantly oppressive regimes

What Politicians “Want”

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When you examine how Republicans and Democrats treat Israel, it is easy to tell the difference: Republicans are palpably pro Israel, while Democrats give Israel a cold shoulder. We, in Israel, may feel their attitude as a reflection of their

Permission to Harm

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The great 11th century commentator RASHI wrote, “Once the harm-doer is given permission to harm, he makes no distinction between righteous and wicked.” Examples? There are plenty of them: Hitler and the Holocaust, Torquemada (of Jewish ancestry) and the expulsion

The Vicious Cycle of Success and Hatred

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We Jews have always been successful far beyond our proportion of the world’s population. The same goes for Israel, the Jewish State. We are world leaders in technology, in medicine, in development and manufacturing of arms and sophisticated weapons, and

Transforming Hatred Into Love

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Love, hate, and everything in between. That is how our world is divided. When we hate or love, similar physiological processes take place in our body—changes in heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, acid and hormone secretion—and only a small

The Root of Israel Will Give Israel No Peace

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Prof. Ran Blitzer, head of Israel’s Experts Cabinet appointed to fight Covid-19, has stated that the closure isn’t working anymore. Vaccines are effective, he said, but we are still seeing high infection rates. Alongside the battle with the virus, Israel

The One Clear Takeaway from President Biden’s First Foreign Policy Speech

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US President Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech had a clear message for Israel. It wasn’t in what he said, but in what he didn’t say. He didn’t mention Israel. Even more interesting, in naming America’s closest friends, and Biden’s