Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Toward the Abolition of the Nation State

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A comment on one of my recent posts about the state of the world stated, “There have always been cataclysm [sic] all over the world,” basically stating that it’s not the end of the world as we know it. Factually,

Evolution- The Next Level

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There used to be dinosaurs; now, there aren’t any. There used to be countless species that no longer exist because this is the nature of evolution. If this is so, will we, too, become extinct at some point in the

It’s the End of the World ( as we know it)

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If you place your finger anywhere on the world map, you will find that unprecedented natural disasters are plaguing it. Nature is wreaking havoc on the planet, and people are beginning to ask, “Is it the end of the world?”

Human Change to Climate Change

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We used to think we were in control of the ecological environment, but every now and then a natural plague arrives and shows us how weak and fragile we are. Extreme heat, swarms of locusts, turbulent storms, violent winds, devastating

A Selfie to Eternity

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Since cameras have become ubiquitous in sell-phones, people have begun to take pictures of themselves (selfies) in various situations. Along with the growing significance we ascribe to social media came the need to present ourselves in more daring, special, and

The Vaccine Wars Show We Haven’t Learned – BizCatalyst

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While nations that had access to Covid-19 vaccines rushed to inoculate their citizens, others watched helplessly as the virus wreaked havoc in their countries. In the meantime, as I said would happen (check my posts on the topic dating all the

On Appreciation and Admiration

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These days, when admiration for superstar athletes, pop singers, and models sets the tone across the globe, it’s worthwhile to look at the phenomenon of admiration and how we can use it positively. When chicks hatch, they naturally follow their

When We Don’t Correct, We Corrupt

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Toward the end of his “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” written shortly after the end of World War II, the great 20th century kabbalist and thinker, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, aka Baal HaSulam, wrote about his time: “In such a

We’re Our Own Cancer

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From the beginning of creation to this day, the universe has evolved as one system, whose elements are all intermingled and interdependent. Because everything began from one point, everything is connected, will always stay connected, and whatever happens in one

Time to Be Responsible Adults

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Let’s face it, we’re egoists. We don’t like each other, and even worse, we think there’s nothing wrong with it. We start measuring our attitude toward others from the zero point. That is, feeling indifference toward others is our starting

Israel’s Startup: Light Unto the Nations

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Behold the glittery world of Israel’s booming tech industry of recent years. Young people, mainly between 25-35 years old, have suddenly become ultra-wealthy as their startups become “unicorns”, privately-owned companies with a value exceeding a billion dollars. This phenomenon is

Fatal Despair

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Long before the pandemic hit the world, the US was already on a downward trend. According to a story published by David Leonhardt in The New York Times under the title “Life Expectancy, Falling,” “During the second half of the