Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Did the Orchestra Stay on the Titanic until the End?

Various accounts of togetherness and nobility during the time of the Titanic’s sinking show us how crises enable people to support and look out for each other.

For instance, while the Titanic was sinking, its orchestra kept playing until the very end, while people were being put into boats and panicking onboard.

There is also a story about a billionaire who chose to remain on the ship until the women and children were saved first, and accounts of women who chose to stay with their husbands and end their lives together as they had lived together.

It is natural for men to suddenly feel obligated to save women and children under such circumstances.

As for the musicians who played together until the end, their connection in one place evoked the force of connection that dwells in nature to hold them together.

If we sought to connect with the force of connection dwelling among us, then it would bring about such togetherness that would alleviate much crises and suffering that we experience in our lives. All it takes to evoke this force of connection from its concealment is that we hold onto one another. It then appears among us.

It is also the solution to fear. If we each focus on the benefit of others, we then do not feel ourselves. We feel others in place of ourselves, and leave fear behind by doing so. It is because fear emerges from self-concern, and when we replace self-concern with concern for others, we then leave no room for fear to surface.

If we strive to positively connect with each other, we then start feeling as parts of a common and higher entity, which is filled with goodness and peace.


Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michale Laitman.

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