Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Not Only the Deal of the Century, Here’s the Peace Deal of All Time

As soon as Trump’s “Deal of the Century” for peace between Israel and the Palestinians was launched, the controversy arose. It was expected, considering what is at stake: the solution to the most complex and longest running conflict in the world.

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Maybe We Have Yet to See Kobe Bryant’s Greatest Achievement

As obituaries, tears and heavy mourning continue filling the world in the aftermath of Kobe Bryant’s unexpected death, the grief is accompanied by a very deep question: How does such a person, a cultural icon who had everything considered valuable

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Nature’s Life-Giving Secrets That We Can Learn from Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986, one of the world’s worst-case scenarios materialized. The Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded as a result of a failed experiment, releasing ten times more radiation than the amount from Hiroshima. A vast area became deadly for 350,000

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The Cause and Solution to Israel’s Increasing Exemptions from Military Service

New data shows that every third Israeli designated for compulsory military service duty receives an exemption, and that most of them are under the mental health clause. The alarm bells went off since this statistic nearly doubled in the last

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Why Is it Important to Emphasize the Hebrew Language’s Holiness and Purity?

As we reach this year’s Hebrew Language Day, which is celebrated in Israel annually on the birthday of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, who is known as the father of modern spoken Hebrew, I would like to emphasize the holiness and purity

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American Jews and the Israeli Dream – How Anti-Semitism Will Accelerate a Jewish American Exodus

“I will establish My salvation in Zion, my splendor for Israel.” Isaiah (46:13) The future of American Jewry is at stake. In the face of distress and adversity due to the rise of virulent anti-Semitism in the US, Jews cannot

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Rekindling Black-Jewish Relations in America Through Jewish Unity

From rhetoric to actions, anti-Semitism from certain sectors within America’s black community has set off an alarm as a new disturbing phenomenon causing deep distress among U.S. Jews. As surprising as it may seem, the most effective solution lies among Jews themselves.

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Why Connection Makes Us Happier Even If We’re Happy with Less Social Contact

Highly intelligent people are happier to have less social contact. That is a conclusion from a study by evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman P. Li, who examined the effects of population density, frequency of social interactions and intelligence levels in relation to

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The Cause and Solution to Israel’s Poverty according to Kabbalah

Nearly one-third of Israel’s children and nearly one-fifth of Israel’s elderly are in poverty, according to a recent poverty report by Israel’s National Insurance Institute. When the country’s citizens make no effort to strive for a warm, family-like sensation, they let a

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Why a Holocaust Might Happen Again

No, it is not Jewish hysteria. The signals of an extremely dangerous situation for Jews similar to the time preceding the Holocaust are out there, this time in America, where historically high numbers of violent anti-Semitic attacks are reported every day. Deliberate

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How Parents Can Prevent Their Children Cutting Them Off

When my late mother lived alone in her older years in Canada, I did everything I could to find her the best place to live. My son, who also lives in Canada, would send me pictures and videos of her,

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The Most Important Takeaway from the Australian Wildfires

The sheer devastation of the 2019–2020 Australian wildfires is a poignant example of how the planet can’t stand us anymore. Since we, as a human society, have yet to reach the awareness that nature is a live organism, treating it

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