Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Passover and the Israeli Society

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It’s Passover. Besides being the holiday of freedom from enslavement, there is a custom to wear something new on Passover. It is one of those times in the year when we try to bring something new into our lives. Indeed,

What happens if a kid hits a teacher?

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Recently in Israel, a ninth grader at an art school in Tel Aviv slapped his teacher in the face, and it was followed by other students in the class applauding him. The student was suspended, and the teachers at the

Is Freedom of Expression for Sale?

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Space seems to be too small for Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. After making private space travel a reality his next goal is to conquer the information planet. The business magnate has offered to buy Twitter for

Europe’s “Strategic Compass”

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Some three weeks ago, Europe announced the launch of the Strategic Compass initiative, “an ambitious plan of action for strengthening the EU’s security and defence [sic] policy.” The initiative does not intend to be a part of NATO, but to

Why do people burn books?

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Book burning is an expression of destroying ideas that were built on a previous generation, which is considered outdated and opposed to the ideas of the new generation. Quite frankly, it is an easier action than educating the current generation.

Are We Blind to Our Own Nature?

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Every so often, I am amazed at the willingness of people to blindly follow leaders in the name of some ideology or religion, and believe that it will solve all the world’s problems. I am amazed not because people can

When was the exodus from Egypt?

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  According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the exodus from Egypt means exiting the desire to receive for oneself, leaving behind self-aimed egoistic thoughts, discernments and decisions, and entering a higher reality of love, bestowal and connection. It is a

The Heavy Price of Feeding Ourselves

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Putting food on the table has become a luxury these days. U.S. inflation soars to 8.5%, the highest annual level in 40 years and grocery prices are particularly hit, up to at least 10 percent higher from last year. For

What is the basic principle of a strong relationship?

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A strong relationship is like an animal that you need to constantly feed in order to continuously grow it. You feed this animal with mutual concessions. Moreover, for those who have their own families, the mutual concessions need to include

Can thoughts affect matter?

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Indeed, we can influence the world with our thoughts. A person can learn to influence an external device—electrical, mechanical, even electronic, or any other—and simply activate it at will. There is a relatively recent example of a 62-year-old man with amyotrophic lateral

Exile and Redemption – the Israel Way

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This evening, Friday the 15th, Jews all over the world will celebrate Passover—the redemption of Israel from the enslavement in Egypt, thirty-three centuries ago. The exodus from Egypt is mentioned not only on the relevant date in the Hebrew calendar.

Moses’​ Leadership to Take Humanity Out of Egypt

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Against the background of a worldwide vacuum in leadership today, the figure of Moses who brought Israel out of Egypt seems more relevant than ever. What made the great prophet, the hero of the Passover holiday, so prominent in the