Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why is the world becoming more godless?

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We live in times of ever-growing concealment from the upper force, which is why our world seems to be getting darker from one day to the next. That is, we increasingly find ourselves in wars, struggles and anxieties with no

Will war ever stop?

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War will stop on one condition: that we will want to determine connection as being better than separation, and love as being more important than hatred. In such a state, there will be no “mine and yours,” but everything will

What do you think of the US-led air defense alliance with Israel and Arab countries?

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Such agreements are unreliable in the long term because lasting peace requires the Jewish people to first and foremost develop peace among each other. Until we establish peace among each other, then these agreements are made on a fragile foundation,

A Changing Reality or a Changing Perception of Reality?

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A recent study by Gallup and West Health has found that “rising healthcare costs have compelled nearly four in 10 Americans in the past six months to delay or skip healthcare treatments, trim regular household expenses or borrow money. That

The Hidden Cause Behind England’s Water Shortage

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Despite the recent torrents in London, this summer, England has been experiencing a serious drought. But not only England, most, if not all of Europe has been experiencing a sweltering summer with gigantic forest fires that have consumed countless homes

No Confidence? No Happiness

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We feel confident when we are hopeful about the future. When we have something to look forward to, we have a reason to live. If we lose it, we lose hope, happiness, and might even become suicidal. The future is

When should parents support their child, and when shouldn’t they?

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The support we receive from a young age builds us for life, so it is imperative that children receive support. However, together with the support, children need to understand that we give them support in order to progress them, i.e.

If I Had a Billion Dollars

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A few weeks ago, someone bought a Mega Millions ticket at a Speedway gas station in Des Plaines, Illinois. That ticket turned out to be a single winner and the owner won USD 1.337 billion. A student asked me about

Do bacteria defend themselves against viral infections?

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There is research showing how bacteria defend themselves against viruses. One of my students who was impressed by such research recently asked me how such tiny bacteria could be so smart in order to mobilize against various viral predators. In

What are the best ways for me to support someone?

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The best way to support someone is by dressing in them out of love. We need to make an image out of ourselves that the person in need would willingly accept and perceive positively. There is a saying about this

How does a good supportive connection work?

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A good supportive connection works when we share the good and the bad with others, and then we feel the burden from the good and the bad as more moderate and bearable. By doing so, we gain the strength to

More People Are “Autistic” because More Connection Is Required

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Today, more and more people are diagnosed on the autistic spectrum. According to statnews.com, “CDC researchers reported that autism rates in the United States increased from 1 in 150 children in 2000 to 1 in 54 in 2016, and the