Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What are the best ways for me to support someone?

The best way to support someone is by dressing in them out of love. We need to make an image out of ourselves that the person in need would willingly accept and perceive positively.

There is a saying about this in the wisdom of Kabbalah: “Teach the boy according to the boy’s way.” That is, we need to dress in a certain image that would be closer to the person-in-need’s character, ideals and outlook on life, and we would then be able to establish a connection with them. Through such a process of connection, we would be able to provide them with the best support possible.

Based on the video “What Is the Best Way to Support Someone?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman, Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

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