Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Alone Is Not Always Lonely

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It seems like social media, pandemics, and modern life have made us isolated people, more alienated from each other than ever, and enjoying mainly our own company. People’s conversation time has been declining for nearly thirty years, and even video

Who We Are without Our History

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September 1st is the beginning of the school year in Israel. Beginning this year, Jewish Israeli students will not learn about the history of the Jewish people during the period of the Second Temple, its destruction, the Great Revolt of

Mikhail Gorbachev – a Personal Impression

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The passing of Mikhail Gorbachev reminded me of a brief conversation I had had with him. Even before I met him, I had the impression that he was truly a different kind of politician. He was not inherently bad; he

Is it true that stubbornness is a characteristic quality of Jewish people?

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Max Nordau, one of the Zionist movement’s founders, was quoted as telling Ze’ev Jabotinsky that “logic is a Greek art and Jews can’t tolerate it. The Jew learns not by way of reason, but from catastrophes. He won’t buy an umbrella merely

Why We Do Not Remember the Moment of Birth

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Humans are emotional beings. Feelings guide us, determine our thoughts, our decisions in life, and our judgment. Whatever we do, we do it to feel good or to avoid feeling bad. Feelings are so central to our being that they

What should I be grateful for?

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In the morning, we should be grateful for waking up, that there is light, air and an entire day ahead of us. In the afternoon, we should be grateful for having been through half the day already, and that soon

Can drug addicts be cured?

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A global solution to drug addition depends on society at large. We first need to build society so that it is based on ties of mutual consideration, support, encouragement and positive connections, such that people would not want to disconnect

Who Gave You the Right?

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Once a week, filmmaker Semion Vinokur interviews me on a program called Novosti (News). In the program, Semion asks about current affairs and presents viewers’ comments. In the previous show, he presented a poignant question from a viewer who called

The Answer Is Clear If We Ask the Right Question

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In the end, what everyone wants is to have a good life. A good life means more or less the same for everyone: a decent place to live, food on the table, good health, education for the children, and most

Does Israel really want peace?

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The problem is that the Jews in Israel do not understand what it means to make peace. Making peace means coming closer to all other Jews and convincing them to come closer to each other. It might seem that the

Why is gratitude so powerful?

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Research has found that people who write a few sentences of gratitude for what they feel grateful for on a daily basis become more optimistic, energetic and happier. Also, they were found to be more generous toward others and suffered

We Could Be Looking at Another Wave

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It may not seem like it now, but I have a feeling that we are headed for another wave of Covid. The story with Covid is not over yet; in about two months, around November, we will see another wave