Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

When is the best time to wish Happy Hanukkah?

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There are always times for miracles. Whenever we positively connect to each other, we draw the positive unifying force that dwells in nature, and it performs wondrous miracles. Moreover, we can evoke this force at any time of the year,

Democracy Can’t Beat Human Nature

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2020 began with a blow and is ending in turmoil. Covid-19 landed a painful whack on the face of civilization and stopped us in our tracks. Since it struck, we’ve been living in standby mode waiting for a vaccine to

What is Chanukah?

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Chanukah (also spelled “Hanukkah,” Heb. “חנוכה”) signifies the beginning of our feeling the unified force of nature. It marks the initial penetration through the boundary between this world and the spiritual world. The Hanukkah concepts and customs link to the

What are some unusual ways to light the Hanukkah menorah candles?

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Today, the most unusual way to light the Hanukkah candles could very well be the original way that these candles were lit. A candle contains oil and a wick. The wick lets us alight and burn the oil, which rises

The Worst Year Ever?

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Stephanie Zacharek, a film critic for Time magazine, wrote in its feature article that summarizes 2020, which it titled “The Worst Year Ever”: “If 2020 were a dystopian movie, you’d probably turn it off after 20 minutes. This year wasn’t

Social Media and the Almighty Dollar

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Yet again money and control usurp American ideals as recent social media giants’ actions demonstrate. Instead of these new communication platforms bringing us together, diminishing distances between us and creating one global village, they are undermining America’s core values of

What is happiness?

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There are different definitions of happiness according to a person’s level, i.e., the kinds of desires a person has, and whether or not such a person has a desire to seek a higher purpose in life, and to what extent.

Hanukkah Offers Timely Reminder of Need for Unity – NEWSMAX

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On Hanukkah, which begins tonight, Jews celebrate their victory over the Seleucid Empire, which attempted to entrench the Hellenistic culture and belief system among the Jews in the land of Israel. This is the going narrative. However, this epos is

Why Israel Is Going for (Yet Another) Election

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Israel, it seems, is going for yet another general election in what seems to be a never ending series. It’s not as if these campaigns yield very different results each time, but the political deadlock seems to leave politicians with

2020- An Odd, Yet Wonderful Year

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As a kabbalist, I think that 2020 has been the best year in all the years that I recall. It is the year when humanity began to shake off and get rid of everything it had in the former life:

Racing Right

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From the very first competition, between Esau and Jacob, we’ve seen people competing against each other. We know that competition can give purpose to life, and who doesn’t love winners? But we also know that competition can be destructive to

People of Israel: the Hanukkah Menorah to Light Up the World – BIZCATALYST

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There is no better timing for the celebration of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, than the current period when the world is characterized by divisiveness and light is so much needed. Humanity now faces the impact of a global virus that