Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What is the meaning and importance of the exodus from Egypt?

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Passover describes salvation from exile in Egypt, i.e., from the period of slavery to our egoistic desires called “Egypt,” the increasing feeling of distress we develop in that state, and its eventual exit after coming to an intolerable feeling that

What It Takes to Make a Passover for All of Humanity

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This coming weekend, Passover begins. This holiday, which seems to be such a Jewish occasion, actually holds within it a message and a prediction for all of humanity. It is no coincidence that the story of Moses, Pharaoh, and the

What is the spiritual significance of the Passover?

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Passover signifies a transition from exiting the control of our corporeal, egoistic and divisive world, and entering the control of the spiritual, altruistic and harmoniously-connected world. Such a transition requires the emergence and development of a spiritual desire. In other

Home Sweet (Virtual) Home

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“A new form of digital currency is apparently moving into the world of real estate,” reported Fox Business on March 21. “The result,” continued the story, “is that a homebuyer just bought a piece of property that they can never

Serious about Growing? Learn to laugh about yourself

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If we could look at ourselves from aside and see our little faults, we wouldn’t only make life easier for ourselves, we would also learn a lot about human nature, the nature of Creation, and how we can better ourselves.

Are luxury clothes overrated?

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More and more people lose interest in luxury clothing the more we develop a need for things closer to spirit. The desire for luxury clothing today is due to its value in the eyes of some societies. That is, by

What is the key to success in life?

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The key to success in life is in building a society around ourselves that focuses on creating a balanced life for us all, a society that makes us happy, calms us, and that gives us a sense of meaning. Based

World Happiness Report – Perceived Happiness Is Not Happiness

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According to the latest World Happiness Report (WHR), the Finnish are the happiest people in the world, and the people of Afghanistan are the most unhappy. Also, the top four countries on the list are from Northern Europe, with the

Is the International Criminal Court’s decision to investigate Israel’s alleged war crimes an anti- Semitic farce?

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What is ultimately behind the attitude of the International Criminal Court in The Hague toward Israel? The International Criminal Court in The Hague gave a green light to investigate Israel for war crimes. As a result of this decision, government

The Exodus from Egypt and the Exit from the Pandemic

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On Passover night, traditionally everyone sits with their loved ones at a festive table to read about freedom and the sufferings of slavery and plagues, and the desire for liberation. For a second consecutive year in the US, and most

When It Comes to Vaccines – There Is No Union in the European Union

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It’s hard to describe the European Union Covid-19 vaccines fiasco better than James McAuley did it in his most recent column on The Washington Post: “Imagine being in the middle of the greatest public health crisis in a century,” he

What does it mean to be environmentally friendly?

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What does it mean to be environmentally friendly? Does it mean protecting the ozone layer, not polluting, and/or replacing fossil fuels with renewable energies, or are we missing something in such acts? We have to care about nature on all