Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Would a new government mean a profound shift for Israel?

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A profound shift for Israel would mean remedying the tensions and divisions in Israeli society, which have been getting out of hand recently, and I doubt that the new government is capable of impacting such a shift. The new government

In one sentence, what is true happiness?

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Happiness is a state in which the upper light fills us with the sensation of an eternal and perfect existence. Based on a Kabbalah lesson with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on December 11, 2016. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr.

What is love in one sentence?

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To love means to fulfill the other, to live according to the desires of the other. Based on the talk “Communication Skills: Love Is a Law of Life” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Michael Sanilevich on October 23, 2020.

A Chance to Move toward Connection

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I was not in favor of changing the government, but once it happened, we have to see it as an opportunity to review the current situation and begin to advance toward connection. Connection can happen only when all the parties

Israel and the People of Israel, Where to?

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On May 10, 2021, Operation Guardian of the Walls began. For twelve straight days, rockets traumatized Israeli citizens. As the Arab-Israeli conflict was reignited, an uprising of Israeli Arabs planted fear in the hearts of Israeli Jews, antisemitism around the

Where have all the workers gone?- BizCatalyst

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Although economies are reopening in many countries as more and more people are vaccinated, a crucial part of the job market is still struggling to restart: workers. The customers are there; the businesses are open, the employers are hiring, but the

In one sentence only, why do you believe or not believe in God?

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I don’t believe in God. I have been studying and teaching the wisdom of Kabbalah for over 40 years, which is the method for the revelation of God to every single person in this life, in this world, i.e. “revealing”

The Change Israel Needs

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After four exhausting election campaigns in two years, Israel is on its way to swearing in a new government, the “government of change.” While the coming days are likely to be critical for this fragile connection, the trend of change

Time for Sober Up

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Israel is on the threshold of a new era. Until now, we have been celebrating like reckless children, slaves to our egos, and we have caused a lot of damage. That time is over. Operation Guardian of the Walls marked

What is the book “Zohar” about?

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The Book of Zohar is an internal commentary on the Torah. The most important effect of The Zohar is that we attract the illumination of the upper light upon us when we read it with a correct intention. This illumination is the reason

David and Goliath – Reversed

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We all know and love the story about David and Goliath. It’s very easy to sympathize with little redhead David who stands up to the giant villain, Goliath, defeats him against all odds, and saves Israel from the wicked Philistines.

Are we all one consciousness?

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Nature relates to humanity as a single and whole system. Our current perspective, however, is fragmented because we are detached in our sensation from nature’s wholeness. Nature is a pure altruistic quality, whereas our nature is the opposite—egoistic. In other