Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

A Maximum Plan and a Minimum Plan for the Government

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As we evidently see, the State of Israel is unlike any other country. We’re trying to conduct ourselves like the rest of the world, but we’re not; this is why we have been in a political limbo for the past

Will we ever have world peace?

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World peace seems like a far-fetched utopian concept when we look at today’s world. To start with, what is peace? Is it simply the opposite of war? When we look into the word “peace” from the perspective of the wisdom

Israel’s Founding Principle – Unity Above All Else

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Israel faces an identity crisis. Over the years we have followed without much thought the rules imposed by the British Mandate after the Ottoman period in the Land of Israel. It has been a natural precedent to carry on, an

The Motive behind G7 Billion Covid Vaccine Doses Pledge to Poor Countries

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At the conclusion of the recent G7 summit in the UK, the participants pledged one billion Covid vaccine doses to poor countries as a “big step towards vaccinating the world,” according to the BBC. Britain’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, whose

A One- Sentence Constitution

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Evidently, the Jewish nation is unlike any other. Even when we want to believe that we are, life, or rather, the rest of the nations, do not allow us to think so. When the State of Israel was established, we

What is the creator of life?

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The Creator is the quality of the upper world, the principle characteristic of which is bestowal or giving. We do not know who or what the Creator is in and of itself. We can only know how we perceive the

How do I come out of mental illness?

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Positive relationships in society are the enveloping means for good mental health. Mental illness comes from imbalance in the mind and body, which comes from imbalance in society, which is further caused by imbalance with nature. By fixing our social

What Proper Governance Should Look Like

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Yesterday, a new government was sworn in, in Israel. A new government is always a chance to reflect on, and hope for a proper government, which functions the way a government that works for the people should. If, theoretically, we

What do you think is the cause of modern racism?

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The human ego is the basis for all our drives and characteristics. It operates in an absorptive manner, receiving from others and nature for the sake of personal benefit. Over the course of history, the ego undergoes development and leads

Regrettably, We Have to Love Each Other

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We may not like the idea because we don’t like each other, but we have to come to love each other, or else, we’re in for a civil war. This is where the State of Israel stands today. “Love your

What will be next after the coronavirus?

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At some point, we will recover from the coronavirus. However, we can definitely expect another crisis to hit humanity soon afterward. Whether it will be another strand of the coronavirus, or another pandemic entirely, or some other crisis, the reason

No Point and No Sincerity in Remorse

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It seems as though we are in the age of remorse. Police officers in America are kneeling before black Americans; Emmanuel Macron acknowledged “his country’s use of torture in the Algerian War,” and more recently, admitted France’s “Guilt For Rwanda’s