Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How Does a CEO Make an Office Workplace Happy?

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In the future, CEOs will need to prioritize issues of happiness within their companies. They will need to focus on driving their organizations toward change and dismantling outdated systems to foster a better environment.

Happiness is essential for employees to thrive. Without it, their work will lack effectiveness and meaning. People need to feel happy, fulfilled, and connected to those around them. Happiness arises entirely from the atmosphere they experience. It is crucial to cultivate an environment of kindness and mutual support where individuals can rely on their company and team completely. This sense of trust and connection is perhaps the most important factor in creating a productive and harmonious workplace.

To achieve this, we must focus on building a cohesive and supportive team dynamic. Employees need to feel a sense of communal, positive dependence in the workplace. They should draw inspiration and pride from their colleagues, experiencing happiness in their shared accomplishments. It is also important for their family members—spouses, children, and others—to understand and approve of this supportive environment. Such validation from their personal lives strengthens their bond with the organization.

If we fail to create this type of environment in the future, employees will lose their motivation to stay. Their productivity will plummet, and they will become indifferent to the company’s goals. No amount of money will be enough to retain them if the workplace lacks an atmosphere of joy, support, and mutual help. Building this environment requires a new approach to workplace education, production, and hierarchy—one that differs significantly from past methods.

A workplace needs to recognize each person’s individuality while also providing unwavering collective support. Workplace relationships must be based on equality and not rooted in hierarchies or professional titles. Everyone should feel valued as an individual and respected as part of the collective.

Above all, employees need to share a grand goal—a vision for why they are working and what they are striving to achieve together. Gradually, they should come to see that this approach leads to absolute happiness and a deep sense of purpose. Doing so will open their eyes to a new perspective on life, one that is vast, eternal, and perfect. Through this shared purpose, they can transform not only their own lives but also those of their children, families, and communities.

This transformation must happen gradually, ensuring that employees understand it is not merely a strategy to extract more productivity from them. Instead, it should be seen as an effort to empower them, to help them become masters of their own lives, and to feel the fullness and integrity of existence.

Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on August 17, 2018. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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