Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Baal HaSulam’s Legacy: Demystifying Kabbalah for the 20th Century and Beyond

The essence of Baal HaSulam’s method is truth.

All that exists is the person’s own force of reception, the Creator’s force of bestowal, and the connection between them.

The more we can use our force with the Creator’s force, which illuminates upon us, the more we advance to the source of our lives.

Baal HaSulam lived and acted in the 20th century. There were many Kabbalists before him and also a few in his generation. However, Baal HaSulam is unique in that he received permission from above to disclose the method of Kabbalah, i.e., the method of the person’s correction to attain the Creator’s quality of bestowal, whereas before Baal HaSulam it was very hard to understand and to attain the Creator’s quality. Anybody who wished to study Kabbalah had to undergo complicated preparations, such as learning the seven wisdoms. Baal HaSulam, however, brought the wisdom and method of Kabbalah much closer to people, making it easier for anybody who so desires to attain the Creator.

If we read Baal HaSulam’s texts word for word, and feel those words a little from within, then we see that he wrote for people who wish to feel the Creator, because it is the most exalted and important feeling we can possibly reach.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on January 29, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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