Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Guns at the Synagogue? Unleashing the True Weapon

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The spike in hate crimes has opened the debate over the use of guns for self-defense among the American Jewish community. “We live in a time of danger,” stated the US official for combating anti-Semitism, Elan Carr, in a recent conference in Jerusalem. He suggested

Arming Ourselves Gives False, Empty Sense of Security

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The spike in hate crimes has opened the debate over the use of guns for self-defense among the American Jewish community. “We live in a time of danger,” stated the U.S. official for combating anti-Semitism, Elan Carr, in a recent conference in Jerusalem. Carr

Do I Reject BDS?

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I don’t reject BDS. I very much support and appreciate the BDS movement because its pressure on Israel urges the need for the unity of the people of Israel. What I see in BDS, as well as other organized forms

Should Synagogues Be Armed?

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Arming synagogues in light of the rapidly rising anti-Semitic crimes and threats definitely makes sense, and this topic has received much attention the last few days as the US anti-Semitism envoy and various Jewish leaders discussed the need to arm synagogues, Jewish schools and

Shavuot: Brightening Israel and the Jewish People

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  “Israel is all messed up with their election… They ought to get their act together,” said President Trump in relation to the political uncertainty in this country going to the polls for a second time this year. He is right, but it’s just

Eva Could Be Me

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“In Israel lies the secret of the unity of the world.”    Rav Kook Germany 2019: “More than 12,000 neo-Nazis are active and prepared to use violence,” reads a recent German official report. It’s chilling to realize that this document sounds

Eva Could Be Me

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Germany 2019: “More than 12,000 neo-Nazis are active and prepared to use violence,” reads a recent German official report. It’s chilling to realize that this document sounds like it came from the early 1930s when a tiny Jewish girl took

Holocaust Remembrance Day 2019: Why What We Can Learn From the Holocaust is More Important Than Mourning the Holocaust Victims

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Another year goes by, another Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Israel, the solemn atmosphere sets in the night before as business closes early and people are left to contemplate on the 6 million Jews systematically murdered in the early 1940s. Then,

Zionist Nazism? Lessons Learned to Avoid a New Holocaust

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Once taboo and considered shameful, the veil over anti-Semitism has been lifted in today’s world. Hatred toward Jews is now manifested openly through the media, mainstream politics and extremely violent acts in the streets and places of worship. Attacks against

What Can Jews Learn from the San Diego Synagogue Shooting?

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“I would rather die or spend the rest of my life in jail than know that I have done nothing to stop this evil,” reads a manifesto published online by the shooter targeting Jews at a synagogue in California this week. As we approach

Passover 2019: The Exodus from Israel – A Record-Breaking 1.5 Million Israelis Travel Overseas for the Passover Season

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“Why is this night different from all other nights?” Passover Haggadah. You won’t see this in any other nation. Paradoxically, during the Passover holiday, which celebrates the exodus of Jews from Egypt and entrance into the land of Israel, there are

We Shall Not Forget The Holocaust, Nor Why We Are Here

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The Holocaust has been overblown. This is a blunt and worrying belief expressed by one third of Americans according to a new study released by a Jewish organization ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day next month. Minimizing the impact of such an atrocity is