Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How do you overcome fear?

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We can overcome fear by establishing positive connection to each other above all the phenomena that we are afraid of. Positive connection is one where mutual support, encouragement, kindness, understanding, care and love prevail over all differences, problems and fears.

How can I learn to live in the present? What does it mean to live in the present moment?

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Learning to live in the present means learning to understand what nature demands of us at every moment, how we can be in a mutual relationship with nature, and how to communicate with it such that we understand how it

We Have Yet to Draw the Right Conclusion

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It’s been nearly a year since the official outbreak of Covid-19, but we have yet to learn the message. The transformation in human connections that the coronavirus is bound to induce has not yet happened, though I cannot say it

On the Merits of a Three- Generational Family

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Today’s family often has only one adult living at home with the kids. But come Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to discuss the merits of a full-size family. And by full size, I don’t just mean two parents

A Legacy That Will Keep Rolling

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During a visit to Argentina years ago to chair a Kabbalah congress for my South American students, I vividly witnessed firsthand the impact of the gifted football player Diego Armando Maradona on his fans—a deep impact made not only at

What is freedom of speech and what are the limits of free speech?

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Freedom of speech and freedom of expression definitely require limits. The first limit is that we should not hurt or offend anyone. Causing no harm to others should act as an inbuilt “constitution” that first and foremost determines the limits

Jerusalem, the Heart of the World

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The pandemic’s determination and tenacity to continue its global spread has created a numbness and dulled us to sleep. A general fatigue has expanded throughout humanity, so the urge to find any source of contentment is only natural. Recently, a

Why I Care (and Write) about the World

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Recently, I have received some questions about my interest in “worldly” matters. These readers seem to believe that kabbalists should take no interest in the material world and current affairs. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Kabbalists care

How can I not be afraid about coronavirus?

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I think that the coronavirus will keep spreading and that it will lead us to a situation where we will be simultaneously afraid of it, and accustomed to its place in our daily lives. Moreover, our fear of the virus

Hubris Kills

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Hubris is one of our most fundamental, yet destructive traits. There is even an academic name for it: illusory superiority. Basically, it means that most people think they are better than they really are in most aspects of life. We

The Tie between Work and Pay Is Crumbling – BIZCATALYST

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Among various economists, there is a growing conviction that we are nearing the end of capitalism. Personally, I think it’s too soon to proclaim the end of capitalism, but what we are seeing is a growing disconnect between work and pay.

Physical Microevolution Reflects Giant Evolution in the Spirit

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Surprisingly, humanity is still evolving, even physically. Moreover, we are accelerating our evolution. According to researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, who published their findings in the Journal of Anatomy, “A lot of people thought humans have stopped evolving.