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Is spiritual love different from love we know? If yes, can we do something to nurture it?

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The love we know, or corporeal love, involves loving whoever or whatever gives us pleasure. Spiritual love, by contrast, is built on feeling an inner distance, rejection, and opposition to others, and building love upon that distance. In other words,

People of Israel, Unite Before It Is Too Late

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Any period before elections is nasty, and Israel’s campaign before Israelis go to the polls in March to elect the prime-minister is no different. The split is at its peak, the mutual contempt is celebrated while everyone pulls in opposite

If spirituality is a lifelong journey, how does one know whether or not they have made progress?

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Spirituality is a quality of love, bestowal and positive connection that becomes revealed in our connection as a single soul. By contrast, corporeality is a quality of reception and characterizes the perception we have in this world. Therefore, spiritual progress

Every Time We Zig, Covid Zags Right Back

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We are well into our third closure in Israel but the numbers aren’t improving. More than a third of the population has received the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine, and more than an eighth has received the second one,

The Symbolism of Growing Trees

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Today is the fifteen of the Hebrew month of Shevat. The Hebrew calendar consists of twelve months, which represent different states in a person’s spiritual development. The month of Shevat is regarded as the beginning of the year for the

What are 5 facts about spiritual love?

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1) The attainment of spiritual love and spiritual connection can only take place above sensations of hatred and rejection. If we love others without having built love above hatred and rejection, then it is not spiritual love. 2) It is written about

The Flight of the Honeybee

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We may be oblivious, and we certainly are indifferent, but honeybees are disappearing at an alarming rate; their population is shrinking all over the world, and no one knows for certain why this is happening or how to stop it.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day Does Not Serve Its Purpose

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The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which occurs on January 27, is always a good opportunity for predictions and summaries regarding trends of antisemitism in the world, and this year is no exception. This year’s report, published by the Israeli Ministry

Can you describe your spiritual awakening experience?

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We start our spiritual ascent from having an entirely egoistic desire, which wants solely to receive for personal benefit, and then a tiny spark of a spiritual desire emerges within us. The spiritual desire is one of love, giving, and

Nothing Wise about Elon Musk’s Mars Colony Idea

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Billionaire Elon Musk, owner of electric car company Tesla and Space Exploration Technologies Corp SpaceX, has a grand vision for humanity. He calls it “Mars & Beyond: The road to making humanity multiplanetary.” Put simply, Musk wants to colonize Mars

No Heroes When It Comes to Covid

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Can you still remember how you felt this time last year? Do you remember your hopes, your dreams, and your visions of the newly born decade? What’s left of those dreams one year later? If you took your wildest guess

What does it feel like to be spiritually enlightened?

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The feeling of spiritual enlightenment is a feeling of unification with nature. It is that we exist in a field of a single common connection, with a force of love and bestowal connecting between us. Moreover, total unification as integral