Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

French Jews Defending Their Loyalty to France

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In recent months, there have been voices of French Jews in France and in Israel urging the Jews in France to immigrate to Israel. Their reasons vary, from France’s Covid-19 crisis through the declining economic situation and the dim predictions

The Key to Success in Life

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John Lennon once wrote, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” His life’s story proves he was right. But today, the lives of most of us prove he was right. In fact, it seems as though nature

The Guide to Life Online

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Whether we like it or not, we live online. Staying home has taken on global proportions after more than a year of the pandemic. It is now more evident than ever that we are linked to each other in an

What is peace?

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In Hebrew, the word for peace (“Shalom”) comes from the word for wholeness and perfection (“Shlemut”). This implies that if we want to achieve wholeness and perfection, we have to get there via peace. Peace could thus include the understanding

On the Verge of Despair

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Little by little, the realization sinks in: Nothing seems to make things better: not the new year, not the new administration, and not the vaccines. Living on the fast-track simply isn’t working anymore. It hasn’t been working for the past

What is the future of national borders?

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There will be no borders, nations or countries in the future. We will all become members of one nation that spans the entire globe, with a language that is clear to everyone. Also, religions, beliefs and customs will lose their

Is “lazy” a negative word?

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Laziness is definitely not a negative word. I myself am the laziest person in the world, constantly struggling to be a little more active. I thus need to raise the importance of what I need to perform. Nature gave us

The More Woke We Become, the Less We See

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Look at what is happening: We have built a world where you can live however you want, be whatever you want, and do whatever you want. We are woke, progressive, and expressive; we are high when we are high, and

What is the secret to a balanced life?

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We reach a balanced life when we discover the balance between forces of reception and forces of bestowal, which takes place when we disclose the general force of balance that exists in the system we are parts of. At that

What is the root cause of antisemitism, and how do you fight antisemitism correctly?

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Antisemitism stems from Jews having a special role in the world, which they are neither aware of nor do they carry it out. That role is to positively connect “as one man with one heart,” i.e., to develop harmonious unified

What is truth?

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Truth is understanding that everything is relative, that we each subjectively perceive good and bad, sweet and bitter, and truth and falseness. What, then, is absolute in reality? It is that the quality of complete bestowal (the Creator, nature) is

What is the main ideology of Kabbalah?

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  The wisdom of Kabbalah is a method that enables us to reach the perception and sensation of the highest dimension of reality, above corporeal life and death, while we are alive in this world. By doing so, we can