Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Vicious Cycle of Success and Hatred

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We Jews have always been successful far beyond our proportion of the world’s population. The same goes for Israel, the Jewish State. We are world leaders in technology, in medicine, in development and manufacturing of arms and sophisticated weapons, and

Why do people tend to become radicalized in their believes?

It is a problem that we fail to understand the need to learn what nature requires of us, which is the same law positioned at the foundation of all the world’s major religions: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18).

Transforming Hatred Into Love

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Love, hate, and everything in between. That is how our world is divided. When we hate or love, similar physiological processes take place in our body—changes in heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, acid and hormone secretion—and only a small

The Root of Israel Will Give Israel No Peace

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Prof. Ran Blitzer, head of Israel’s Experts Cabinet appointed to fight Covid-19, has stated that the closure isn’t working anymore. Vaccines are effective, he said, but we are still seeing high infection rates. Alongside the battle with the virus, Israel

The One Clear Takeaway from President Biden’s First Foreign Policy Speech

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US President Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech had a clear message for Israel. It wasn’t in what he said, but in what he didn’t say. He didn’t mention Israel. Even more interesting, in naming America’s closest friends, and Biden’s

Is nature cruel?

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Nature is a perfect integral system that functions according to laws of interconnection and interdependence, and there is no shred of cruelty in nature. However, it appears to many that nature is cruel. Why? It is because, as is written

Many Riots, One Culprit

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US President Joe Biden said during the election campaign that when it comes to the coronavirus, “An infection anywhere is an infection everywhere.” This is true not only of the coronavirus. Look at the riots that took place in America

How has pandemic affected the education system?

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The pandemic has shown the ugly face of our education systems. These systems should have educated our children to become independent and responsible in their learning and knowing of how to positively connect among themselves and with their teachers, as

From Physical to Virtual to Spiritual Connections

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The world has been in a virtual, or semi-virtual state for about a year already, and connections between people have become largely virtual. Now, “thanks” to new strains of Covid, borders are closing and airports are shutting down once again.

How will the world change after the COVID 19 pandemic?

We are in the midst of a major transitional era where we are starting to understand the tremendous extent of our interconnectedness and interdependence. Likewise, we also find ourselves destroying our world. This is because a key aspect of interconnected

The Grand Illusion of The Great Reset

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About a week ago, the World Economic Forum gathered in what is known as the Davos convention, although this year it was online. This year’s theme was The Great Reset, a grand plan to save the world, or as the

No More Sacred Cows

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Despite lockdowns, strict guidelines, and new vaccines expected to combat COVID-19, morbidity is constantly intensifying and mortality is at its peak. Regardless of who is in power, world leaders are discovering they are incapable of finding feasible solutions to emerge