Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

We Have to Grow, Despite the Media Smokescreen

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Even before Covid-19 spread like a brush fire across the globe, we were approaching a downturn. The media pretended as if there were many more treats to find out there, but despite the smokescreen, we were inching toward the end

World leaders’ Call for Pandemic Treaty Exposes International Ill- Will

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On March 30th, AP’s Maria Cheng reported, “More than 20 heads of government and global agencies called … for an international treaty for pandemic preparedness that they say will protect future generations in the wake of COVID-19.” Cheng added that

Why are there people hostile to Israel?

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The role of the people of Israel is to show the world the method of correction, which teaches how to positively connect to one another. However, the longer it takes to bring the method of correction to the world, the

Jewish Unity and Antisemitism, Part VI

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PETACH TIKVAH, Israel — Following their liberation from slavery in Babylon after King Cyrus had sent them free with “silver and gold, with goods and cattle, together with a freewill offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem”

Most Everyone is Religious

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When we think of religion, we usually think of prayers, ceremonious garments, perhaps fragrant incense or candles burning in designated dents along the walls, and people’s lips moving silently as they speak to their God. They ask for what they

Can left-handedness be corrected? If yes, how?

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There have been cases in the past where people tried forcefully re-educating left-handed children to be right-handed, despite the children usually being very talented and versatile. There is a generally negative attitude toward the left side. In the wisdom of

To the Left, to the Right, but Always Forward

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We’ve had Nazism and we’ve had Communism; we’ve had Socialism and we’ve had Capitalism. We’ve had Autocracy, we’ve had Democracy, we’ve had monarchies, and we’ve had republics. Life consists of opposites: left, right, sun, moon, hot, cold, winter, summer, hate,

Israel- From Slavery to Freedom

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Passover in Israel is celebrated with a certain sense of freedom this year, with the sensation among its population that the pandemic is behind us. People are taking advantage of the spring sun to relax and travel, almost without restrictions,

Politics of the Obstinate

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  After a fourth election in less than two years, Israel has become the world’s laughing stock. But for the State of Israel, it isn’t funny. The country is paralyzed in many respects, from offices that require ministers, to large

How would you summarize the purpose of life in one sentence?

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The purpose of life is to achieve the center of connection between us in order to perceive and sense our exit into a higher dimension, where we are balanced with nature. Based on a Virtual Kabbalah Lesson with Kabbalist Dr.

What Really Makes Life Precious

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Recently, many analyses have surfaced showing the excess mortality that Covid-19 has wrought. Even with the existence of vaccines, the virus is still spreading and in many countries, claims hundreds, and even thousands of lives each day. This grim reality

In Exodus 32, God calls the Israelites ” stiff necked people”. What does that mean?

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The people of Israel are given blows, such as the ten plagues of Egypt, in order to reach a realization that individually, their egos will not be able to sustain them, and that they will need to demand a force