Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Vicious Circle of Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is widespread and seemingly unstoppable. In America, one in four women will experience violence by their partners within their lifetime, according to a new report published by The New England Journal of Medicine. The U.S. nationwide media attention

If Darwin’s theory is right about life beginning in Africa, then why are African states less developed than Western states?

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It is possible that life was conceived in Africa, but our civilization began developing only with the emergence of human egoism, which is the force positioned behind our progress. This happened in Mesopotamia, ancient Babylon, around 4,800 years ago. The

The Difference between Wisdom and Knowledge

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Tomorrow, Google will celebrate 23. In just 23 years, Google has managed to change the way we do so many things that the list is too long to remember. But perhaps Google’s first revolution was the way we gather information.

The Vicious Circle of Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is a sort of social global warming; it is widespread and seemingly unstoppable. The U.S. nationwide media attention on the disappearance and killing of a young woman, Gabby Petito, in Wyoming, in which her partner was named a

What are the three most important values we should teach our children?

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We should give our children knowledge about the world’s structure, about the fact that the world is an integral system, how people are interconnected and interdependent, and with such understanding, how we should behave accordingly. When we understand the extent

Does globalization promote democracy or consolidate dictatorship?

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Globalization shows us the extent to which we are interconnected and interdependent when humanity becomes a single whole. It demonstrates that we belong to a single organism or body. It does not lead to greater democracy, a dictatorship nor greater

Where Is Greta Thunberg?

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It seems as though the world is on the fast lane toward cleaning the car industry from polluting emissions. Everyone is rushing to create clean cars, whether battery or hydrogen powered engines, and bask in their cleanness. But the green

Where Europe Is Going

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More and more, I have been hearing about the worsening economic situation in Europe. Friends and students from all over the continent have been telling me that life in their country is deteriorating, that it’s getting harder and harder to

What would affect the future of humanity most likely in a positive way?

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In our world, there is just one force that governs everyone: the will to receive pleasure. No matter what we do, we are constantly searching and choosing that which will ultimately bring us the greatest pleasure in the most optimal

Sukkot: A Covering of Peace for the Entire World

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The holiday of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is an important and joyful tradition which represents a spiritual ascent. The true meaning of this festival is to build a new reality of mutual understanding and support—a sukkah (hut) of peace—through the

Selfish People Can’t Produce Unselfish Solutions

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In Europe and elsewhere, governments are paying colossal sums to big corporations to help them avert bankruptcy. Whether they call it a “rescue package” or “quantitative easing,” in the end it’s all the same: the government pays companies to stay

How can two answers to a single question be right, but still contradict each other?

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If the question is being heard by people who are on different levels of development, then even though each one hears the same question, they might hear it in opposite ways. Each one who hears not the question, but the