Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why is the world deteriorating?

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The world is starting to understand where it is. We are starting to agree with the fact that the future will be no better than it is today, and the next generation will be far worse off than we are.

Nothing Frightens More than Losing Face

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Of all our fears, probably the one that is the most intense is the fear of losing face, of being shamed. To most of us, our self-respect means more than anything else. If we lose it, we often prefer to

Why do we compare ourselves with anyone?

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We are made of a desire to enjoy, which enjoys at the expense of others. This is our human ego, and it gives us a sense of self by comparing ourselves with others. When we compare ourselves to others, we

What I Find in the Wisdom of Kabbalah

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A couple of weeks ago, a journalist from the French women’s paper magazine Fémitude wrote me asking if I would be willing to answer a question for an article she was writing about the wisdom of Kabbalah. Her question was,

What is the human ego?

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It is a key law of nature that any existing body—still, vegetative or animate—desires to sustain and protect its existence. That is not considered ego. It can be called the desire to live and to exist. The human ego begins

What is the basis for negative emotions?

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We should first understand that negative emotions surface in order to change us and bring us to a more positive state. Similar to diseases, they are signs that something is wrong. For instance, if my foot hurts, it is not

The Other Side of the Coin

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A few weeks ago, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented an extremely rare 2000-year-old coin that was stolen and smuggled out of Israel, and returned following an intelligence operation by the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office in New York.

I want to change myself. What should I do?

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If we understand that the most important aspect of our lives is to be with people who understand, help, love and appreciate us, then we need to cherish such an attitude as much as possible. By doing so, we sacrifice

Europe Makes a Right Turn

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After decades of Left leaning governments in the old continent, Europe is taking a turn to the right. Italy, Hungary, and Sweden have recently elected new governments, all of which are conservative, or right-wing. Judging by their platforms, they will

The Agreement with Lebanon to Bring Neither Peace nor Quiet

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“Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday rejected petitions that would have held up a landmark U.S.-brokered deal setting a maritime border with Lebanon, which Washington predicted could be finalised on Thursday,” hailed Reuters on Monday, October 24. But if the agreement

What are the disadvantages of marrying your first love?

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Marrying our first love does not guarantee a good marriage. We usually encounter several mistakes, breakages, arguments and perhaps also divorces, and only later, at an age closer to the end rather than the beginning, do we perhaps meet someone

What a Canadian Psychologist Knows about Israel that Israelis Do Not

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Dr Jordan B Peterson, a Canadian media personality, clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, describes himself as a “classic British liberal.” The media often describes him as conservative. Be that as it may, his words