Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Challenge of Immigrating, the Challenge of Immigration

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian immigrants are coming these days to Israel, posing a serious challenge to the country. On the one hand, they are refugees seeking asylum from a brutal war. On the other hand, Israel is not like

Put Leaders in Our Shoes

I recently posted my reply to an email I received about praying. I receive many emails, and these days, a lot of them concern the war in Ukraine. Another email I received about the war came from a man named

Are Jews to Blame for the War in Ukraine?

As with any conflict, especially a major one, it is only a matter of time before a blaming finger is turned toward the Jews. The war in Ukraine is no exception. As the war continues, more and more posts and

Is Hunger Possible in Today’s World?

When we hear about hunger crises, they usually refer to poorer and war-torn countries in Africa or Asia. We rarely think of hunger crises when we think of Europe or the United States. But recently, more and more voices are

The War in Ukraine Is Changing the World

The war in Ukraine is unlike any war that’s been. Although it seems local, this war is changing the world. In the end, after all the pain, the parties will establish new relationships, and new relationships will be established around

The Folly of the Battle for Seniority

Whether it is a war between tribes in Africa or between countries in Europe, every war begins with an ideological dispute, which then translates into a military conflict. The same goes for the current war in eastern Europe. The ideological

Toward a Fiery Turmoil

Roe v. Wade is overturned and protests erupt, gun laws are revisited, war rages in Ukraine, Sri Lanka’s economy collapses, bank runs in China, escalating tensions between the US and China over Taiwan, an increasingly belligerent North Korea, and a

A Squalid War that Heralds a New Era

It has been more than four months since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Initially, the world was aghast with the atrocities many had thought would never return to Europe. But as the days and weeks went by, emotions

Will Russia’s attempt to invade Ukraine and the subsequent consequences show that war is a 20th century idea that is no longer feasible in a financially interdependent and globalised world?

Today, we have more interdependence between people, societies, cultures, economies and countries than ever before. And the ongoing Russia and Ukraine conflict presents a very sharp and painful example of our tightening global interdependence. The fact that mass starvation and

The Hidden Nexus between Ukraine and Turkey

While the world is grappling with the magnitude of the disaster that struck Turkey and Syria, the war in Ukraine is raging on without any sign of abating. Whether cities are being destroyed by shells or by an earthquake, the