Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Jewish Unity and Antisemitism, Part II

PETACH TIKVAH, Israel –In the previous article, we described Abraham’s struggle to spread his revelation that there is only one force in reality, which he called “God,” that that force manifested in two ways—giving and receiving—and everything in reality reflected

What are the ten commandments given in the bible?

  The Ten Commandments are the laws of our absolute connection to each other and with the force of bestowal that holds our connection together. The Torah is given at the foot of Mount Sinai, which is a gigantic mountain

Jewish Unity and Antisemitism, Part III

PETACH TIKVAH, Israel — In the previous article, we described Israel’s time in Egypt, how they prospered while they were united under Joseph’s leadership, and how they assimilated after his passing, which then turned the Egyptians against them. In this

Jewish Unity and Antisemitism, Part IV

PETACH TIKVAH, Israel —  In the previous article, we described Israel’s formation into a nation and how they were given the task to be “a light unto nations” by becoming a model of unity above differences. This article is the

The Case for Paradoxical Thinking

  Paradoxical thinking is something that various systems, such as educational systems or various advanced organizations, are trying to promote. We feel comfortable when matters are unambiguous, but it turns out that the ability to keep in mind conflicting ideas

Jewish Unity and Antisemitism, Part V

PETACH TIKVAH, Israel — In the previous article, we discussed the rise and fall of the First Temple due to bloodshed and sins among the kings of Israel. When Israelis were exiled, they were sent to Babylon, from which Abraham

Was Pharaoh of Passover really a bad guy or just a victim of his royal birth? He was no Haman.

Pharaoh is a very powerful force. The wisdom of Kabbalah does not discuss Pharaoh as a personality, because in practice it is a nonexistent persona. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Pharaoh is the very big ego that the Creator

In the Land of Pharaoh King of Egypt

There are many ways to think of the drama that took place between Pharaoh and Moses in Biblical Egypt. Some think of it as history; others see it as folklore, and still others see it as an allegory to teach

Banning Children’s Books and Movies Is the Writing on the Wall – Society Is Crumbling

Over the past several months, we have been bombarded with news about “corrections” taking place in various global companies, corporations, but most notably, in the education system. These measures, which are taken purportedly in order to make society more inclusive,

What is the spiritual significance of the Passover?

Passover signifies a transition from exiting the control of our corporeal, egoistic and divisive world, and entering the control of the spiritual, altruistic and harmoniously-connected world. Such a transition requires the emergence and development of a spiritual desire. In other

What is the meaning and importance of the exodus from Egypt?

Passover describes salvation from exile in Egypt, i.e., from the period of slavery to our egoistic desires called “Egypt,” the increasing feeling of distress we develop in that state, and its eventual exit after coming to an intolerable feeling that

What does maror symbolize?

When we set off on the spiritual path, it initially appears very enticing, attractive and interesting. We become fueled with a new sense of purpose in life, and understand that great attainments and revelations await us. After some time on