Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Something Called A “Round Table” Can Make The Lives Of You, Your Family, And The Entire World Better

Introducing The Greatest Tool For Decision Making In a world that has become “round,” global and interconnected, the previous fragmented, polarized worldview, decision making structure and paradigm does not work, moreover has become harmful. We need new, more suitable tools

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See How Easily Humanity Can Eliminate Inequality

How Social Awareness Can Create An Equal World The ongoing and deepening global crisis is putting a mirror in front of us, showing a very unpleasant picture. What we see is how despite humanity thriving for freedom, democracy, equality all

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The Old Economy Is Dead. Welcome The New One

“The West is being challenged to deliver not just growth, but inclusive growth, which, most critically, involves greater social justice.” Mohamed A. El-Erian, CEO of PIMCO, and author of When Markets Collide   Why The Present Economy Is Always In

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How An Equal Society Can Be Built Today

Why A Fair Society Only Needs 10% Of The People To Support It “We are by no means strangers, and we are linked by a common destiny. And these turbulent times must bind us ever closer together.” Christine Lagarde, Managing

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At Last, It Is Finally Clear How Harmony Between Man And Nature Can Be Achieved

Do You Know What Nature Requires From You? Nature doesn’t tolerate imbalance. Heat moves from hotter to colder to even out the temperature; air pressure is balanced by wind; water flows to lower ground until it evens out the higher

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Warning: Are You Aware Of How Global Interdependence Affects You?

Humanity has evolved into a globally interdependent and interconnected human network. In this global system our previous and present self-centered, egoistic attitude and the socioeconomic system it is based on is causing an unsolvable paradox, tension between humanity and its

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How To Unlock Your Hidden Potential

The Enormous Benefits Of Living In A Mutually Beneficial Manner As humanity has evolved into a global, integral world where each and every individual, nation is interconnected and depend on each other even for their absolute necessities, this new world

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The Future Of Children’s Education Has Arrived

“To repair the world means to repair education.” Janusz Korczak, an educator   How Children Can Best Succeed Together We have evolved into a globally interconnected and interdependent world, where our previous methods and tools based on a fragmented, isolated,

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Warning: Unemployment Is On The Rise, But There Is Hope

How Unemployment Today Affects Everyone One of the features of the ongoing and deepening global crisis is the rising unemployment all around the world. However, most alarming and most socially volatile is the unemployment rate of youths in the Eurozone,

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Introducing the Value System of Mutual Guarantee, a Breakthrough in Human Interaction

Are You Aware How Much the Media “Feeds” Your Thoughts? In a globally interdependent world, only mutual guarantee (give what you can and receive what you need) can provide sustainable success. In order to achieve this success, society’s values must

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Are You Aware How Captive You Are to Your Social Environment?

“The great project of the twenty-first century—understanding how the whole of humanity comes to be greater than the sum of its parts—is just beginning. Like an awakening child, the human superorganism is becoming self-aware, and this will surely help us

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